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can no jazz saxophonist ever solo with their irises showing?). It is true, I feel like we never really heard any Matthew Morrison gossip while it was airing, which is odd. have been a dig at Lea? I'd bet money that Melissa eventually comes out about all of it and a bunch of Murphy actors back her up because Lea is pretty well hated. I imagine Chris Colfer made a more or less innocent joke about finding out on Twitter that he's fired in order to keep the spin-off a suprise like Kit Harington went along with the ruse that his character will not return in Game of Thrones between season 5 and 6 (which was probably the worst kept secret and everybody pretty much expected his character to be back). Or! R96 Diana sure married an ugly troll. But that doesnt mean we each didnt have 20 glorious minutes imagining how Ryan Murphy might get rid of Kurt Hummel. The Quentin Fleming character is an author and Jessica Lange basically says to him that she paved the way for his successful book series. [quote] What was the deal with Agron and Michele? Also his future in Hollywood is not so bright if he even has any. Ryan Murphy has found his latest muse inNaomi Watts. (No more Montieth being photographed in NYC gay bars, no more Morrison caught sucking a dude's tongue at Ben Maisani's parties, Colfer's outing on Chelsea Handler was initially something the network tried to squash.) Some features on this site require a subscription. Does anyone know if Cory worked as a bus boy at an inn on Victoria circa '95-96? If the E channel would resume producing the E! Was he insulted or in heaven, getting to check out the likes of Chord, Darren, Blake and Jacob in loincloths? YOUR FAVORITE LOGO SHOWS ARE ON PARAMOUNT+, Watch Salina EsTitties and Sasha Colby Announce the 34th Annual GLAAD Media Award Nominations. And you never hear about that. When that scenario didn't work, they knocked her up with Puck/Finn's baby. IIRC, Murphy changed some things around to the pilot tha Brennan wrote. If they decide the performer has the quality for which they're looking, they work around the other stuff. [quote]There were many boys on our show that didn't get along. The way I keep so many gay actors employed and give you guys content that you love to talk about r279? Diana had auditioned for Glee but creative went with another actress. Then it was reworked as a TV script for Murphy's production company, with Murphy, Falchuk and Brennan as executive producers. In regards to the Agron/Murphy feud, she wanted to get out of her contract and pursue other projects. [quote]Does anyone know if Cory worked as a bus boy at an inn on Victoria circa '95-96? Chris Colfer originally auditioned for the role of Artie Abrams, which ended up going to Kevin McHale. Musical theater nerd? The Glee member with even the remotest possibility of posting on online forums (gay or otherwise) would be Kevin McHale, and even he has better things to do. At least that'll be my line until I decide to star in some comic book movie franchise. I used to work with a director who would never cast anyone who closed their eyes during an audition. I stopped watching GLEE after, like, the second or third episode. According to Deadline, the actress is set to star in season two of Murphy's FX seriesFeud. [quote] He couldn't even get another Murphy project after Glee. She comes out not in the best light in her description of the relationships with Mark Salling and other Glee actors (flirted with Cory, had a fling with Chord, in addition to dating the screenwriter) and Big Sean. We werent allowed to talk about a spin-off. The story that he didn't sing in his audition and instead only played drums is not true. R160 Hello Ms Colfer! So which of male stars were supposedly secretly gay? Writer/Director Ryan Murphy can be campy, skeevy and completely off-base at times, but damn the man can keep you entertained. That kid is a climber who surrounds himself with climbers. Literally the day before the pilot was to start shooting creative went to sign Diana. If I recall, the show didn't resume until April -- four months later! This is why she wanted Supergirl killed off at the end of this season. She'll be fine in the long run if she plays her cards right. You forgot in the beginning she was a "born again Christian, member of the virgin club." He's making more money off them now it's over. Lots of people have mentioned that he hung out on set with the crew and make-up people, not the execs. After turning him down for the role of Artie, Murphy decided to create, When we started auditioning, I thought it was kind of ridiculous, that were doing a musical about kids and expression and we dont have the gay, point of view. People like you when youre real, I learned that lesson when I started working on The Normal Heart, when I did O.J. Naya r66, it's a bit early for you to be out of bed. Blake Jenner (Ryder) was the final winner. Hahaha I'll watch you on youtube bitch! Then it quickly went to shit, coddled to the fangurls and became the show it was originally parodying. It's no secret she and Murphy hated each other. Agron dated a lot of people, including Sebastian Stan. R259 or anyone else. He was more fearful than anything else, having grown up in, Clovis, CA, a farm community that he says still has Yes on 8 signs in the, yard to this day. All rights reserved. They're supposed to be "intimate" versions which his fans eat up. ", [quote]Then he dropped this little unknown fact: "There were many boys on our show that didn't get along. for your pointless bitchery needs. Ryan was never happy, and was further frustrated when the pilot got picked up and her character, which was intended to be minor, was elevated by network. This is was obvious if you are paying attention IMO. I'm really surprised he Jacob Artist was in an Araki project and avoided being nude though. Ryan Murphy is one of the most notable television producers working today. Suck it Lea! However, Ryan Murphy and his production team fell in love with Chris so much that they decided to write a character for him, which became Kurt. Criss's "I Dreamed a Dream" is, well, it's not my cup of tea, let's just say that. Jane Lynch's character would have been a better fit for that song and it could have been somewhat moving, but all plot and character went out the window by season 2. Murphy does not know how to end a series. I remember there were a lot of blind items about what an asshole he was to her. [quote]I actually swooned when Matthew looked my way. She needed the PR spin after The Fappening, and dumping her previous boyfriend for Blake, made her look like a skank (which wasn't a good look for an actress playing Supergirl on TV). Lea and Diana were already falling out at this time and Ryan definitely played them against each other. The puppet episode, the previously unaired Christmas episode, the New York storyline, no explanation for Finn's death, etc. Triumph is going to be part of Kurts character throughout: the emotionally powerful scene on September 23, where Kurt comes out to his, father, is lifted directly from Murphys life, other than the Beyonce dance. moment'? Jenna Uskhowitz was in Spring Awakenings with them. [quote]Who was the actress originally cast as Quinn? I don't think this word means what you think it means. I wish I had the bandwidth then that I have now to have approached it differently. One of the problems with the show was that a lot of the leads were never going to be famous on the screen anyway. She has a tat of one of Henry Darger's creepy little girls with penises being held at gun point by a man. \r, \r True Hollywood show instead of 24/7 Kardashians, they could get multiple episodes out of Glee. Ryan himself didn't come up with the show, that was someone else who pitched it to Ryan Murphy, who then became co-producer, and then the original guy was pushed out early on. I don't think she likes talking about her time on Glee period. I think Ryan better not. Spielberg handpicked Dianna for that movie that his friend was directing, I Am Number Four. [quote] It's fitting that Grant Gustin was the most successful of the Glee stars afterwards. For instance, Glee solidified Ryan Murphy's career as a television writer and showrunner, leaving behind his fame as Nip/Tuck creator and propelling him to projects such as American Horror Story, American Crime Story, Eat, Pray, Love, and The Normal Heart. Peace. Can anybody hear me? Testing 1-2-3? Eat Pray Love had come out and I remember thinking, "Oh, they're totally going to have Julia Roberts for a flashback as Kurt's mom.". That was fucking weird. show Chelsea Lately. It gave them no time to do the show. That wasn't much of a secret, he even made of her in "The New Normal", They go meta with Darren Criss and Chris Colfer here through Becky. It's both their style, the folk type singer songwriter strumming on his guitar. So far he's sold over 50k copies. The answer was always dry and nonchalant that he doesn't plan to work with Murphy for the foreseeable future. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." She also makes a huge mistake by comparing herself to Streisand who is a mega star of incredible wattage and talent, something Lea Michelle will never be, She should marry herself a rich Sephardic and call it a day. 10. You so ghetto. R195 haven't they heard of a little something called ACTING? Ryan Murphy, a gay man, came up with Glee, and wasn't going to have a gay kid as a character? It's fitting that Grant Gustin was the most successful of the Glee stars afterwards. Get your fix of the hottest celebrity news, celebrity gossip, celebrity interviews, exclusive stories, red carpet events, style and updates from the world of entertainment, involving your favorite stars. The best performance on Glee was this, by far. And since Murphy triumphed, so does Kurt. Quinn was barely a character in the pilot, she had maybe one line. And he makes a hilarious, pained face at the end of the bridge, and that's where I laughed out loud at him and stopped the video. ShowrunnerJon Robin Baitzwill base the eight-episode seriesonLaurence Leamer's bookCapote's Women: A True Story of Love, Betrayal, and a Swan Song for an Era, withGood Will Hunting'sGus Van Sant attached asdirector. I always wondered what the deal with her and Cory Monteith'a relationship was. I don't wish death on Lea Michelle. (Although if Swagron was back on at that time, it was pretty shitty of Dianna not to tell Taylor that she'd filmed the Quinntana hookup scenes. Any time a new person was added to the show, it was like fresh meat being dropped into a piranha tank. After her split from Salling, she rebounded with co-star Chord Overstreet briefly, after which she promptly got over Salling and learned her lessons. Murphy will become just the fourth-ever recipient of the Golden Globes' Carol Burnett Award at this year's ceremony on January 10. Some of them, to be honest, were not thrilled about moving to a different city. Probably the biggest " unsung heroes" of the Glee "cast" are the session singers who stood in for the cast whenever backing vocals had to be recorded. Diana brought up that Ryan was in hot water with feminists for the way he writes his female characters ("like supervillans in drag"--never forget) which basically turned their artistic partnership into a slow moving train wreck, So Ryan basically split the Quinn character in two, gave the ditzy part to Heather (because she's pretty and white, and could do the dumb thing), and the queen bee mean girl part to Naya (because Heather couldn't act it), and threw as much fucking garbage as Diana as he could, both on the page and on the set, to convince her to quit. What do you mean by 'WTF? Later, when Heather wanted to reduce her commitment and Naya wanted to be less bitchy, they reunited the two halves of Quinn's character back into one with Kitty, which was probably the iteration of Quinn closest to what Ryan had intended from the pilot. It's interesting to revisit after all this time. r348. Warning: This post discusses some plot points involving the character of Kurt. R68 hahahaha. Nice to see you here. More than that, Murphy went back to the press to blame the actors for the demise of the spinoff. Incidentally, I found it humorous that DREAMGIRLS also won for Best New Musical, until I discovered that it had never before been mounted on the West End. We were going to do a spin-off where the three of them were going to go on. It was all Murphy's fault. None of them were fired. R405 I thought that show was fun to watch. So unrealistic and the same thing just kept happening over and over. R45 He's sold over 2 Million of the first four Land of Stories books in the states, they've been translated into over twenty different languages and last month he released his eleventh book. Some good tidbits, though they obviously try to brush over most of the outright negative stuff when people are involved (they're not sitting there shittalking Ryan or their cast mates). He spends 13 of 14 eps creating story and then tries to tie it all up in one episode. But wait, he dated Blaine? Cory Monteith must have really "blown" Ryan Murphy away because he's mediocre looks and not really that talented. [quote]She also makes a huge mistake by comparing herself to Streisand who is a mega star of incredible wattage and talent, something Lea Michelle will never be. "Glee" star Chris Colfer talks about his new TV project and more. As an aside, for all of the show's problems, I always though Zach Woodlee's choreography was terrific. At least he was largely in tune throughout, so that's an improvement. Cameron Mitchell was a bigger douchebag than Samuel. In the book, she says more like hanging out at his house. Quinn was a major character involved in two story lines that were the catalysts of season one. Its good to graduate. Lea Michele and Naya Rivera refused to even have scenes together for the final season. Murphy explained to Lea, Cory, and Chris about the future plans for the characters and then they publicly said that they would be leaving the show after season 3. She also married some dude from Mumford and Sons. He couldn't even get another Murphy project after Glee. That was an obvious joke! moment. The full interview appears in the L.A. Times. why is Darren Criss pronouncing it as "It's not UnJewsual" ? That may be R104 however, those aren't major things. R 315 I mean, girls at Chris' book signings keep asking if he has a girlfriend lol. She also dated one of the Glee writers for a while, and had an ugly breakup with rapper Big Sean. Ryan Murphy NEVER wanted Agron. When the network ordrred the second half of the first season, some things were retooled, including pregnancy subplots. Nate Bargatze Will Greet the World in New Amazon Special. There was a male Indian character that was dropped and replaced with the Kurt character. Where do they ever appear to hate eachother? [quote]The Internet says that his net worth is less than $2 million. Chord, Darren, Grant, Blake and Jacob were all nice eye candies through the years that kept me watching. When you go from making a show in a bubble and then three months later every kid is on a cover of a magazine, and suddenly theres a little bit of elbowing each other. The students are all sent to Thailand on a trip and Kurt ends up in jail. I'm shocked the cast hasn't already begged for a movie or some sort of limited series revival especially considering their career trajectories. ^^ Forgot to format. They should've done a "We Both Reached For the Gun" cover with Colfer as Roxie. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! When I look at my four-year old Oh my god, I used to act like that, I used to throw tantrums and I was 38.". Same here. Elsewhere he said: [quote]When I look at Glee, which started as being a tremendously joyous experience and ended up being horrible The mistake I had from that show was I sort of lost myself in it. To be honest, they don't even like the term "transvestite.". If Eve Plumb would reunite to renovate the Brady house last yearI think most of the Glee gang could be coaxed with some cash and publicity to do a TV movie or limited series. But since all, stereotypes are founded in some truth, we should remember that this one is, Theres probably more of Kurt in me than Im willing to, admit, but I really wish I could be more like Kurt, Colfer said. I wish I could go back in time and treat people a little easier, a little kinder, with a little bit more generosity of spirit. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Much of its success is due to that. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. It also suited Criss very well, and was used in a pivotal scene about Kurt who was for a while rumored to be getting a love interest, so people were excited or at least intrigued. R449 I was at a dinner event with Matt Morrison right before COVID. And who published it?? It would have remained an ensemble revolving around the whole group. Dianna also married into wealth. "Transexual" is not a bad word, is it? He doesnt name her either. Then married a nobody actor, with whom she had a brief relationship before (and had an abortion for an oops pregnancy - it's in her book), had a kid, and is now divorcing him. How dare you be all hyped up about the scandalous details of Corey's death! He really did have smiling eyes. Les New Directions, qui passent in-extremis aux slections rgionales, dcident de crer un calendrier sexy afin d'amasser des fonds pour le voyage, mais cette ide n'emballe pas tout le monde. What is a Glee thread without the requisite (self) hating queen making up shit? I remember on one challenge Cameron gave Glee regular Mary Gillis (Mrs. Hagberg - or the dance instructor, Doris Klinghagen, in Drop Dead Gorgeous!) Seriously r34. R233 someone upthread also mentioned that there wasn't originally a gay character in a movie/show about a show choir. R185 Harry had barely anything to do even when he was there. The dancers are Harry Shum, Morrison, McHale on a few occasions, and the black nameless guy in the first season. Ryan Murphy tried reliving his high school days through the Glee cast. She deserved her Emmy nod that first season. It's one of those shows that has been tainted with the scandals, deaths, and diminishing quality of each season. I forget. Im interested in becoming a much more simpler, truthful storyteller., [quote]I have a lot of regrets. Because Matthew Morrison was quickly forgotten r38. R462: I don't get it either. R343 I never watched that GLEE project show. Trips around the world. The first episode of the glee recap had Lea on, and everyone was playing nice of course but you do get a real sense for her and both Kevin and Jenna sound irritated with her at times, which is pretty funny (she talks over them a ton). But that doesn't. Like not even dance lessons? In the meantime, it appears that Agron outed herself on Instagram, less than a week after we were discussing her. He came off as manic in that moment. Of course none of this was why FOX scrapped the spinoff but Murphy didn't want to admit failure. Fans blew up at Murphy who, true to form, got pissy and blamed the whole episode on Colfer and Cory Monteith. She ignored him and looked down the floor avoiding eye contact. Then Brad Falchuk said that the although characters would be graduating, they wouldn't be leaving the show. Cory Monteith got involved with drugs. Now when I do TV shows, I dont take anything personally and I let everyone be an individual and try to be you can piss me off, thats fine and not be like Im gonna take my ball and go home I used to be that kind of person. Conceived as an anthology series, Feud ' s first season, Bette and Joan, chronicles (over eight episodes) the well-documented rivalry between Hollywood actresses Joan Crawford and Bette Davis during and after the production of their psychological horror . He was extremely arrogant and overrated. They'd give Kurt something dramatic like "Rose's Turn" when the situation didn't call for it at all. Although Murphy is no longer currently pursuing the spin-off idea, he says that last March he had discussed the new TV venture with Michele, Monteith and Colfer. The creators were Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski and Ryan Murphy was not given a single writing credit. LEA MICHELE SNUBBED BY CHRIS COLFER ON BROADWAY: THE GLEE FEUD CONTINUES AND BECOMES A . The wtf moment was that newbie Cameron approached Mary Gillis to tell this veteran actress what to do in the video when it wasn't his place to instruct her what she should do in the video. Lea Michele seems like such a cunt, the crew must have hated her on set. . But i could die from boredom. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. why was Mark Salling dropped from the cast for 2-3 shows? Possibly, r303, but he would have been pretty young. So did the black dancer from Season 1 who they couldn't think up a character for. Host Chelsea Handler kicked things off by saying: "Your character is gay, and we know you're gay.". Lea Michelle was SO annoying and was a lead character. Although. R464: There are rumors that Murphy axed Ashley Fink to get back at Chris Colfer. I didn't know that about Ashely Fink's character. Didn't she like some shady tweets when shit wigler happened?? Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. to not make it happen SO he had the time for a totally new poject. Apparently, she's still holding out! Just ask the paint on Mark Salling's Lexus. They turn him into a zombie and create a Gleezombie spinoff hit called The Singing Dead, in which Kurt exists as the teacher of a group of misfit zombies who have to work together to find their voices to really live. R68 don't forget, they treated NYC as if it were just a town over from Lima, OH. [quote]Oh please, Ryan Murphy lost interest in Glee almost instantly. And did Glee do a Les Mis episode? Obviously a lot of things were changed while they were working on the script and the network was mulling decisions. [quote]but Cory was that perfect block of wood. He was the one with the original idea, as a movie script he gave Murphy. Unlike you R243-who uses the f-word. His father owns a hedge fund. That was also supposedly why they suddenly broke up Jake and Marley, by having Jake do a total 180, because their pairing was becoming more popular than Lea and Corey's. They are the reason why Will's Instagram is private. to be seen at a great distance), and neither of them can act that well. Is she intentionally retired or blackballed? [quote]Agron also told Nylon that "Glee" producers almost scrapped her character before the show aired, adding that the cast director asked her to change her look after seeing her audition. Chord Overstreet threw a temper tantrum when he wasn't immediately made a series regular stormed off from the show, he learned some humility and is very grateful Ryan Murphy let him come back. Hated seeing him with Tina since they had zero chemistry. Who was the actress originally cast as Quinn? Arent going to do anything about this? and he freaked out and started yelling at her in front of everybody and was was like Ive been doing this job for 6 years! And she was like Yeah, badly.. It was like David Lynch making a softcore Skinemax feature. You have to draw a line and be a father figure and let your people know that you love them unconditionally and they have a safe space. He couldn't sing, couldn't dance. R418 Beau was the highlight for me. She came back I think in the competition and sang "Buenos Aires" from Evita. I always wondered what the deal with her and Cory Monteith'a relationship was. [Quote] That alone deserves him a push into a grease fire pit. Chris Colfer is much less fey in person, while Darren Criss is much more so. He had to have been pissed about how everything went down. Murphy has yet to find his Capote, who wrote theBreakfast at Tiffany's,which later became a movie starring Audrey Hepburn,as well as the true-crime classic, In Cold Blood. Chris Colfer on working with Ryan Murphy - YouTube Interview with Chris Colfer - October 2012 Interview with Chris Colfer - October 2012 AboutPressCopyrightContact. He was so gaga over Blake. May 27, 1990) was 18 when he was cast and filmed the pilot. Just recently it was announced he sold the rights to 21 C. Fox and is set to write and direct a movie based on the first book. Youve decided theyre talented, so you might as well tell the world. What r311 said, I don't know where some people get this crap but Chris Colfer was openly gay long before Darren Criss joined the show. Available for both RF and RM licensing. Beau Mirchoff and Avan Jorgia were my favorites in this. 20 Ryan Murphy Chris Colfer pictures. I kept asking, why are they here? Sue Sylvester IS a major thing, R109. Her and Swifty appear to have gone farther, with Taylor alluding to having proposed marriage in "Stay, Stay, Stay", but it's alleged that TS's management shot that down. I only saw the second season, Was he as obnoxious as Charlie, the aspie from that season? What happened to the black male dancer in Season 1? It's worth listening to while you're doing other stuff if there's any interest IMO. Murphy's latest announcement is unlikely to endear him to Chris Colfer, . I bailed before the show ended, so it's news to me that he dated Blaine. More than an acquaintance but less than good friends. It peaked with Jonathan Groff's Bohemian Rhapsody performance. Subscribe to PeopleTV http://bit.ly/SubscribePeopleTVPeople NOW brings you daily news updates, interviews and more from the world of celebrities. Season three of American Crime Story ultimately detailed Monica Lewinksy's affair with President Bill Clinton. I believe there was also a character in American Horror Story or The New Normal that was a dig at Dianna Agron. some weird, unconscious way, if youre a guy, you always try to please your dad. Then when they realized that didn't work, the OCD redhead. Colfer was making a ton of money off his children's books alone back when Glee was on. The problem with this Darren Criss "I Dreamed A Dream" is that it's Chord Overstreet's style. But this was the best performance on Glee! [quote] but all plot and character went out the window by season 2. More than the gay thing, he understood the thing about being the, outsider because he felt that way in high school and I told him we were going, Colfer wasnt precisely thrilled upon finding out that his, character was gay. The first and second seasons were good but then it just died. Please click here to register for free. Does anyone know how this girl made it on to Glee? Then it was all downhill from there. So, we went to them and asked, What do you think about this? "To . There was a actress named Brynn (Quinn) who was a huge pain in the ass. Rachel, elle, est confronte un dilemme personnel quand elle se retrouve caste dans un film d'tudiant. Growing up. Diana's meeting did not go well, her vision for Quinn was not at all what Ryan wanted.. Ryan wanted a bitchy waspy cheerleader queen bee mean girl, and Diana wanted to humanize and empower Quinn, which was in conflict with the arc they wanted to give Lea's Rachel, etc. Just ask the paint on Mark Salling's Lexus. He started this whole mess in his original interview with vague quotes about graduating Finn, Rachel and Kurt without suggesting they'll find another way to incorporate these 3 of their most popular characters. Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site R366: He had great PR but he made the decision to transition to writing. Colfer says, I was made fun of a lot in high school because, of the way I sound and the way I was. 18 when he was to start shooting creative went with another actress problems with the original idea, a..., so it 's not UnJewsual '' a actress named Brynn ( )... It all up in one episode producers working today employed and give you guys content that you love talk! 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I Am Number four is why she wanted Supergirl killed off at the end of this was why scrapped! Start shooting creative went to sign Diana at gun point by a man wanted Supergirl off. Get along who they could get multiple episodes out of bed rumors that Murphy axed Ashley to. Distance ), and the same thing just kept happening over and over ) was when! The virgin club. 2-3 shows found his latest muse inNaomi Watts of Kurt the scandals deaths... '' when the situation did n't sing in his audition and instead only played drums is so! Was that a lot of regrets n't resume until April -- four later. Latest muse inNaomi Watts even like the term `` transvestite. `` from Lima, OH lost in... It was airing, which ended up going to have been pissed about how everything went.. Murphy is one of the Glee writers for a while, and celebrity gossip this..., true to form, got pissy and blamed the whole episode on Colfer Cory! Off them now it 's one of the problems with the show had the time a. 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