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Its been called many things by humans over the centuries. As I have said, three alien species are hostile and this means that they do not care for your fate or for your life and people who were abducted by them came very rarely back alive. Thanks for taking time to transcribe the conversations, I found it very informative, I am looking forward to hear more from you. Many things in current world dont completely add up. :)))). ?Maybe with her guidance and the ones like ourselves who are ready or able to accept that there are other forms of existence. I esteem toward Lacerta, good tidings and warm regards in wishing her own life journey to likewise grow in a meaningful manner. To the north of the column, there is an additional, very large but very flat round building. Answer: Yes. But they evolved very slow as it is normal for a mammal and if nothing extraordinary had happened to your kind, we wouldnt be able to sit here and talk because I would sit in my comfortable modern house and you would sit in your cave clothed with fur and trying to discover the secrets of fire or you would maybe sit in one of our zoos. It did happen. Thank you for these interesting informations. Answer: Yes, but that incident was not the first one. Question: A last question: youve said earlier, that you can hide your UFOs? I pray maybe this person who translated have maybe a connection with Lacerta or Lacerta in disguise see this post. Lacerta y su pueblo es de raza reptiliana pero no de los reptilianos galcticos renegados. At Lacertas request, the original text of 31 pages was revised and shortened up to deal with some questions and answers. Tienen el armamento para acallar cualquier insurreccin popular. The sound is clearly heard on the recording tape. Luis Prada, so you did not meet Lacerta, you transcribed the interview, correct? Reding the article was thought changing for me. The lowest astral planes, or Hell, have demons and human souls that have touched bottom rock in the swamp of sin and materialism from the Illuminati, their minions in politics, banking and industry down to the lowest levels of society. As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side the word is NOT correct of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. Calculations and Properties are two different stuffs. I always have to use very simple words in order to make clear to you the basic principles of a higher kind of science. It was in your year 1998, when I was on my way further north from here in the remote forests in the vicinity of the entrance to my world and was looking for biological specimens, which we use in order to watch over environmental pollution and destruction of your flora and fauna statistically by your own kind. It is important what we want to be and how we want to be. I have sent to spam some of Z comments since they have been disrespectful of myself. (Thats a rather strange human word and not really correct, but you ought to understand it better this way.) The camouflage effect didnt work on photos to answer this possible question of you already in advance but why should someone make a photo of the sky when he could not see anything unusual there. At first, they caught around 10,000 or maybe even 20,000 of your simian ancestors and they left the planet for some hundred years. whose camouflage and drive partially failed to function in test Ruanel: Everything was mental, there was no telekinesis. As I have said, the para-layer can interact with mind as well as with matter. by DR KUNIO KKNFMAAA KUDO (Author) 6 ratings. Lacerta is not part of the Luciferian Rebellion. Question: What is your task? Lets try this: You have to be clear about some fundamental facts. At home theyve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. They are a different race, not human. A knock on the door of the vehicle and on the tinted windows caused no reaction of any kind. The illustrations are not of Lacerta. Support the show Show more Audible.com Reviews By means of the fluctuation at the right angle with the induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. Question: As you have not allowed me to make photos what would be very useful to prove your real existence and the truth of this story can you describe yourself detailed? Interstellar traveling is a normal method to traverse vast universes and galaxies and will be a reality on this planet after First Contact. Bringing this subject to conversation most likely turn people down because of the heavy mind control people have and are not aware of. In the last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species which had arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we dont know anything about their intentions and we were not in contact with them till now. Something like Serve us or Obey? Answer: The Lacerta Files files would seem, at least in my opinion, to be an obvious work of fiction, for reasons I will come onto shortly. I dont give energy to those thoughts. Through these half truths they made you dependent on the synthesizing of high {numbered} elements, and thereby renewed by their own technology. You are not. Also kiss a frog and they turn into a princess or prince. I really hope they help us against the ones that are coming. This photo comes from Belgium. The other species about which we know not so much was a reptilian species, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior influence (except the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. Do you want to say a last sentence or message? She doesnt want to hurt us. Those in authority are being questioned because the abusers are in the spotlight. If we are not alone, and are indeed a lower species, can we live comfortably knowing this? His story of Roswell is markedly different than what was portrayed in this story. Watch in YouTube the testimony of Randy Cramer, a super-soldier. I cant shake these thoughts or ideas and I will forever have a changed view of the world around me. Did you meet Lacerta ever again, do you think you will ever meet her again? Adems la educacin y los medios estn sutilmente controlando nuestras mentes. Lacerta for me is hope for humanity. Sujet : Debunked ou pas?? Only have in mind that NASA is a channel of misinformation and more like a movie company that edits the videos and photographs captured by solar satellites to hide UFO phenomena and provides information to the movie industry for their sci-fi movies. According to my information, there have been a great number of deaths of your people because of intense radiation and field disturbances. The drive is operating correctly, to be sure, but the field fluctuates in all directions and because of that, the ship can crash. Were you looking for an answer other than God and you finally got it from lacerta? Answer: Yes, you have. I had a dream back in 1997, I think, about 2 ancient aliens races that fought each other millions of years ago using an earthquake machine which caused our eventually to now current shape of our lands. Tambin es cierto que somos subdesarrollados y en cierta forma desprotegidos mentalmente, pero por qu no unirnos para evitar que los otros extraterrestres nos hagan dao? I have a few comments on the above. The power station is located on the edge of the colony. Question: Have you a tail like normal reptiles? The Lacerta File I . Advanced and friendly races also took sometimes egg and sperm samples, but for other reasons. Come, find us! How easy it is for you or anyone to make outrageous claims. Just makes me giggle. Whenever you people take a look at an ant hill, and another person comes along and steps on the ant hill, what do you do? We cant live completely vegetarian like your kind because our digestion would stop working and we would die after some weeks or maybe months without flesh. It goes without saying that you could try to find an entrance to my world and penetrate your way into there. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. How many that I know intimately, if any? And so many questions rise of course from this interview, as, for example, why not asked, in the interview, descriptions or names, more intel about the 3 species that are specially nefarious to humankind (or did she ask him to remove that from the transcription, maybe, but, then, why?). Very much looking forward to some sort of contact (should it ever happen within my lifetime). We as humans have so much to learn. Incredible. Psychic human beings exist. Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. And if you find evidence for their existence, you deny and misinterpret the facts. The reptilian race has been active for a very long time. In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government I dont want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. Question: That is fascinating. Young Jeweled Lacertas are grey, brown or green in color, with white or yellowish spots all over. How many people have I walked pass are actually Lacerta? The concept is very familiar and probably related. We have at our location all together 5 large artificial light sources which generate your UV light and its warmth through gravitational sources. The cause for the magnetic fluctuation at that time was probably an electrical disturbance brought about by a weather event. The following feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin: if you touch the backside of my upper body you will feel a hard bony line through my clothing. Most of the species especially the more advanced are just studying you as animals and they are not very dangerous for you and for us and we work together with some of them, but three species are hostile, including the one which was in contact with some of your governments and exchanged their technology for copper and other important things and which had betrayed your kind. The reptilians have genetically experimented on humans and they have attached some of their DNA to humans. Whilst regressed he regularly reveals technological and mystical knowledge far advanced for the time. Simply put, there are absolutely NO purely evil species. E. opened the door and we got into an interesting conversation. Misjudging the conditions of this planet as a result of punishment from God or as a negligence of God or as a lack of action on His part is a mistake and result of ignorance of karmic laws. It was told to you that the higher the ordinal or ranking number of basic matter, the simpler the heightening of the condition, but that is only partially correct. If you stay awake during the first minutes, you can maybe try to filter the other thoughts and waves in your brain and the inducer will give up after some minutes if he or she is not successful because it will start to hurt his or her own brain. In addition, not everyone of your abductees is one and some of the aliens in their reports are really just imagination or lies. Even the amplitude equalizations among genuine matter can be achieved with one of those kinds of fields if the frequency and the distance from the plane of the field are high enough. In these locations very powerful UV light predominates, and they are used in order to warm our blood. I wish for our species to take the next step and understand that you, me and everything on this planet is connected, is One, and understand we are a part of a bigger organism than just us. Ho. In my opinion, none of these three pictures show genuine objects in flight or UFOs. Dont ask me for names, because nearly all are not pronounceable for you, eight of them are not pronounceable even for us. I hope I will be able to like when we can stand up and walk on our feet without fear or pain. Do you have any final message for the readers of the transcript? Although I do struggle to believe that they have such openings with some sort of false perception transmitters, as well as having them fitted on air/spacecraft. Lets call it a para-layer, for this layer is mainly responsible for everything which you call PSI and paranormal and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. The reptilian race is very old in the galaxy. Though I am not a Christian, the Bible states, "Only a fool says in his heart: 'There is no God' ". I cultivated the very, very unusual idea (for my kind) to show him my true exterior, something that I did during our conversation at our fourth meeting in the cabin. Having stations here on earth makes sense for observation purposes but their full on cities and civilization would likely be on bases outside of Earth where this is zero chance of being discovered. on ma dit que c . Answer: I can attempt to do so, but I certainly will not tell you where this place is located. These layers contain information, as an example, about the simple structure of matter or the string frequency, but also there is stored information stemming from the development of matter. Hola, Luis, yo pienso que al entrevistador le falt ser un poco ms inteligente y hacer muchas preguntas que no siendo tan tcnicas nos ayudaran mucho, como por ejemplo, la razn por la cual viven debajo de la tierra si ellos son los colonizadores. Until it is too late. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. 04 juillet 2016 15:47:22 . Post-Plasma on this side, para-layer on the other. It was our planet before they arrived and before they started their evolution project with your kind. Is Lacerta still out there and if she is I would like to find out and meet her in a calm situation and not hostile manner because typing over a computer wont work. What if the human species is about to be wiped out, can we expect some help? Have into account that the reptilian race is spread throughout the galaxy and forms different star nations with different cultural traditions. The whole thing lay in the context with some new, or better said, the old technical problems with your own self-constructed ships whose camouflage and drive partially failed to function in test flights in the open. Question: You mentioned earlier that you use the name Lacerta when you are among humans and that you enjoy it to be in the real sun on the surface of earth. I believe we are the only two species that have a chance of not being passive, and instead being honest with each other. Let me say, that we are not absolutely sure if there will be really such a hot war already in the next years. Is there any chance for the friendly reptilians to appear in the public if we could deal with most of our problems within 20 years? Or, heres another thing you can do: Show us an authentic artifact that was not manufactured on Earth. Im interested to see how your species will react if you make the truth (which I will tell you now) public. I and my friend have agreed there must not only be a switch in our brain but some sort of limitation, a limitation that we cannot surpass. I use my primary abilities for mimicry and for communication with my own kind and sometimes for other private things, but Ive never used it to harm humans or their mind. Please call me Lacerta, this is the name I generally use when Im among humans and talk with them. Most of them are not members of the Draco Reptilian Empire (renegades of the Reptilian galactic race) that have worked with Deep State. Too much people are sceptics, they dont believe this story, but I have open mind. Something is wrong. If the Illojims have the same levels of technology as the Lacertas, and Illojims put a "curse" on our genes, and Lacertas are alive from then to near now, why hadn't it remove it? That would make Lacerta around 45 now, I doubt she is a student anymore. If you dont believe me, have a look at your history and you will see the truth in my words. This group includes generally your genetic relations except one of them had decided to left this group and your connection with father and mother is often the strongest. He tells us that the kaloo had flying machines used in war and that this war raged far and wide culminating in a catastrophe that killed almost everything. As a child i remember going up to this cave and going to the end of it. Therefore, you really dont understand what happens in your worldyou see only one side of existence, not the other (I mean here both that are physical). When the advanced reptilian species arrived in this system, the humanoid colonists from Procyon tried to communicate peacefully, but they were not successful and a global war started within months. HOWEVER, Brother Veritus Website is also published in Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/766971483452388/ In Facebook its open to publications in any language (readers are encouraged to do so). Hello, its possible for people to learn Lacertas skills, or to unlock the program made by illogic in our DNA, or there is some exercise that we can mentally train. Therefore, it is forbidden, for example, for adults of my kind before the Age of Enlightenment to come to the surface of the Earth. Should I respond?". I also noticed some of the words used in Lacertas answers were of English-slang or best known use in England. 1 2 3. There are reptoids living underground. The alien species of course quickly noticed that they were dealing with simple-minded creatures, and they gave you false and inferior information about their technology so that they receive much more out of the collaboration than your kind do. After so many years, can Ole give us readers a clue, of the things that were deleted? Maybe no alien species will come and give us a helping hand, but maybe it's for the best, maybe that is the only way we will learn to stand as One. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet. Even today you still dont have it right.) By the way, there are of course numerous secret teachings about the real possibilities which can give one these abilities, but I really dont know anything exact about that. The reason for the activation of this special high-energy system in an atmosphere is not completely clear to me; its possible that it is a kind of investigating or influencing of the environment. We deliver to over 1,300 establishments in Collier County and southern Lee County. Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. @Z We are all fucked. In spite of that, we are counting on negative actions possibly ever of a more subtle kind against you in the next few years or decades. There youll read in detail about this topic. The worst is to keep shut up conforming to authority and the System without questioning. Everything that you call paranormal. The Scape Ore Swamp sits in Bishopville, South Carolina a small town of only a few thousand people. Sweden, 26 December 2004.pdf https://www.luisprada.com/the_lacerta_files/ About Wiki Policy Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Each life develops with time its own sense of balance in how much of ourselves, our heart and strength that we freely would offer to another without thought of due recompense. "Lucifer asked me for advice, mom. Your great scientists called the belief in us superstition and religion and todays intelligent humans have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past. Do you lay eggs? Some of these abilities are also partially inherited; mother and child of my kind as an example are attuned exactly during the first months of life partially also in the egg covering in the expectant mother and communicate telepathically. You must know (some of your scientists have already supposed this) that your species had evolved in a naturally completely impossible speed within just 2 3 millions of years. because i need advice. If she is correct, we are in a war. When we are in the public and together with many others of my species we wear very wide and soft clothing made of thin, light stuff. When that day has come, when we will see the world as One and with Love, we would have evolved more than what I described above. So I read this story and most of its advanced concepts put forth by Lacerta are really a mish-mash of the most modern human scientific theories combined with esoteric teachings from most of the older human wisdom traditions (like the Vedas, Advaita/Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism, etc.). Lacerta Files - Google Docs Something went wrong. The native Americans, as we now call them, used to thank the earth for the food it profited them, they thanked the animal they killed for food. Whenever an alien mind ought to be influenced, then there are some generally valid steps, which are set into motion by other extraterrestrial species. Religions are for mind control and their ideas of what is God are, for the most part, wrong. Please send me a copy of it so I can read it thank you, Kelly, you can read it in PDF format here: https://www.luisprada.com/Protected/the-lacerta-files.pdf. Quizs no seamos muchos los que somos open mind en estas cosas, pero trabajando juntos podramos hacer grandes cosas. Dont overestimate my knowledge, Im no expert in alien technology and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. It's against her religion. So-called wise men from India and from the Asian mountains have described our species many times in writings, together with other wise men from the African continent. I noticed in one of Lacertas old interviews, she talked about natural sun and how being exposed to it does miracle to her. This female being was already in contact with a friend of mine (whose name is given only with the abbreviation E.F. in the text) since some months. I will not say this is truth, nor will I say this is fiction, but I DO however believe that extraterrestrial life exists as it is arrogant to believe that we are the ONLY living things in the universe. Nationality, race, wealth and intelligence. Lacertas mention of their cigar-shaped craft, ie: Five red lights, one on the top, one in the center and two (one on each end), thats equals FOUR red lamps, not five. For example, they gave you information that the drive can only be constructed with unstable elements of a higher ranking number, but they withheld the information that the field drive can be constructed with various modifications to work as well with stable elements of a lower periodic number, and generally, thats the way its done. You remember this business of copper fusion? When we are on the surface and we meet human beings (even a large group of them this makes no difference. It was some sort of a test balloon. Show me the photos. If so, the writer is a genius. Multitudinous incongruities and the overstepping of bounds of the treaties by both sides finally led to an altercation between you and the extraterrestrials, which culminated in the lift-off of three of the alien aerial objects through a special how do you say it? EMP {electromagnetic pulse} weapon and a military skirmish at one of their underground installations. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. Your kind is ignorant. Dont expect any help from them. Unfortunately, the whole thing that I have explained to you in your words has come out to be rather primitive, Im afraid. Lacerta Files is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. I have remembered that I don't come from this planet from the first of my many incarnated lives. This memory plate was manufactured from the last bomb survivors of human race from Procyon already 65 million years ago but it was completely intact when we found it. Lacerta y su pueblo es de raza reptiliana pero no de los reptilianos galcticos renegados the part. Quizs no seamos muchos los que somos open mind en estas cosas pero. Have remembered that I know intimately, if any was mental, there have been disrespectful of.... Your UV light predominates, and instead being honest with each other on. Is clearly heard on the surface and we meet human beings ( even a large group them. Or anyone to make outrageous claims about natural sun and how being exposed to does! To traverse vast universes and galaxies and will be able to accept lacerta files debunked there are forms. Of intense radiation and field disturbances the things that were deleted was and! 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