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The Flowchart of the OCD-Free Method
Below you can see a diagram of the OCD-Free Method. The main elements of my method are explained in the text underneath the picture.

The Main Elements of my OCD-Free Method for treating OCD / Anxiety
Information gathering
Family and treatment history (what have you tried before, why do you think it didn’t work (or only partially worked)?), medication, childhood traumas / abuse, onset and development of OCD, what triggers obsessions, what kind of compulsive rituals you do. YBOCS test. No need to tell me your full life story, but rather a brief summary of relevant information.
Compassion and self-compassion
Being kind with oneself. Dealing with negative self-talk. Self-acceptance EFT tapping. Improving self-image through NLP positive self-concept techniques.
Cognitive education
How OCD works and how to break free. Your relationship with your thinking. The way irrational beliefs / obsessions hijack you mind and what you can do to stop that.
Metaphysical container
(Optional, but very helpful) container for the work puts everything in life in perspective and reduces overall stress / anxiety level. It also facilitates decision making, self-actualisation and promotes personal freedom. Works equally well with religious / secular people (as far as they are not militant atheists).
Psychological Trauma Treatment (EFT tapping, NLP and other effective methods)
These are just a few techniques I regularly use with my clients in sessions: EFT tearless trauma process (regarding the scientific evidence for the efficacy of EFT in treatment of anxiety disorders, you can read on my EFT Research page), NLP-based timeline therapy, NLP-based phobia cure, Dispelling irrational beliefs with NLP conversational belief-change, Gestalt-therapy / perceptual position exercises for resolving social / family conflicts.
Attachment Trauma Treatment
According to Attachment Theory, there are several types of insecure attachment: anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant and fearful-avoidant (also called disorganised). I’m separating this type of deeply-seated childhood trauma into a separate category for two reasons. One: it comes up every time in severe anxiety / OCD cases, and two: it is normally considered hardly treatable.
Exposure Reprocessing through Visualisation
Here, we decrease the intensity of triggers / situations from SUD 8-10 out of 10 to the much lower level suitable for exposure exercises in Homework assignments. Tapping and disassociation tools to “anesthetize” the emotional discomfort during the visualization process is instrumental for this work.
Safe expression of supressed “unsafe” feelings like rage
Together, we identify suppressed “unsafe” feelings, then we work through release of them through tapping and bioenergetic exercises (see Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetic Therapy) in session. Following that, the homework is given on further expression of such feelings without damage to self / others.
Practical coaching
- Refocusing away from compulsions
- Adjusting / reducing rituals
- Dealing with obsessive thoughts
- Communication with colleagues / friends / family members during the recovery process.
Addressing Environmental Factors
Nutrition, exercise, sleep and electronic-screen hygiene that facilitate relief of OCD and anxiety symptoms and accelerates recovery.
There is more and more evidence that these environmental factors can dramatically exacerbate mental-health symptoms and hence it is critical to have those checked.
Homework assignments
Homework assignments include Exposure and Response Prevention -like exercises. We first go through various triggers / difficult scenarios in session and descrease their intensity in visualisation and tapping exercises. Then the remaining “vaccinated” issue is given as a homework assignment for nearly an assured win (of course, some discomfort will be necessary and part of the retraining process). Homework also includes embodiment and breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, journaling and self-acceptance tapping.
In-session Exposure exercises
If the nature of OCD / anxiety allows for exposure / behavioural exercises in session (or nearby my office), then we field-test what we acheived in the difficult scenario visualisations.
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+44 07809609713
Dr Sasha Mitrofanov, PhD is based in Hove, East Sussex