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This intimate relationship between God and man is sacred. To understand the meaning of a difficult word or phrase, you'd have to know the story behind it. Rather, I am noting that they are interchangeable depending on who the speaker is. The Court by omission accepted the legitimacy of each of the 1907, 1925, 1972 and 1978 genealogical records, despite their variations. Tulafono, can be literally interpreted to mean the head of a fono. Traditionally the notion of fono had six dimensions. of an actual attorney. There are four Samoan concepts that I wish to draw on for my discussion of the word tulafono. Guests give the grieving family monetary gifts or hand-woven mats in a ceremonial exchange of gifts called faalavelave. The eastern group of islands is known as American Samoa, a U.S. territory with a population of 41,000. Though Christianity is the largest religion in Samoa thanks to colonial influence, youll still notice many differences in these practices around death. For example: fatu is the Samoan word for rock and heart. Where there is a breakdown in the relations between title-holders and the village council, as in this case, the path to peaceful resolve would seem in the first instance to be the adoption of a mediation type pae ma auli process that can embody the principles of va fealoaloai ina way that preserves the integrity of all involved. A theology of Samoa is found in what Samoans call the Mau. Do you feel alone and sad with no support and no idea how to move forward? Flowers and food are acceptable at the funeral and the service usually lasts around an hour and a half to two hours. This includes deciding who will be saying a funeral speech at the funeral service. LinkedIn. It is useful at this point to look closer into what tuaoi might be exactly. in its interpretation of Samoan custom in the past and the application of Samoan custom in the present. I had to ask her out several times before she agreed. We lived far away from each other and Ill be honest, we sometimes went for long periods without talking, which I regret. And I am not a Judge; nor Jurist; nor Lawyer. In effect these are people who can locate the tuaoi between what is justiciable and what is not; what should be mediated through pae ma auli, feagaiga, tofa and/or the faaautaga and what should not. The saofa'i marks the formal acceptance of a new matai by their family and village into the circle of chiefs and orators. We survived high school together. He supported them every step of the way. Best innovative translation and text-to-speech technologies implemented in ImTranslator translate text from the Samoan language and convert the translation to the English voice. tofa of a chief or moe of an orator) is known in Samoan as moe manatunatu, a sleep dialogue between chiefs or orators with God and/or ancestors. The archipelago is a politically divided one. the proportional inheritance of a people. And not only that, she would have enough faith in us to believe that we would not transgress again. But as we grew up, we began to understand his wit and laugh at the things he said. He made the written word come alive in class. That meant that she had very little time to herself. Funeral rites and chants provide a vehicle for contemplation on the journey of life. There were times I wished he wasnt my brother. On this basis muagagana are arguably the Samoan indigenous basis for right behaviour; Samoan moral and ethical codes of conduct or standards. The historical reference provides context for understanding the current problems faced by Samoas Land and Titles Court. Its not uncommon for families to wait a few days or longer for the family to travel home for the service. You have to be a skilled speaker to compete against other tulafale for the honor (and the spoils) of delivering commemorative speeches at various functions. Like during the pre-funeral rituals, they also may bring corn beef boxes, chicken boxes, and fine mats. However, this Court, more than any other in Samoa, has a duty to assess its processes for achieving justice by way of acknowledging at least the possible value of exploring indigenous dispute resolution or customary law models, such as pae ma auli, to its work as an indigenous Court concerned with indigenous claims. Tulouna le eleele! Typically a Samoan funeral can take up to 2 weeks. traditions have long been a mystery to the rest of the world. Saying a funeral speech is not something that should be undertaken unprepared. Salutations to the dust! advice. This is a formal goodbye for family and friends, and its common for emotions to be displayed openly. The story goes: In New Zealand a Samoan man was confined in a facility managed by a Health Care Provider. In a secret ritual ceremony the assassins of Nofoasaefa were given special dispensation according to religious custom to assassinate Nofoasaefa. But you must be able to get through the speech you have prepared. He picked them up when they fell or failed. She would turn her mind to an obstacle and work on it until shed overcome it. The difference in the Samoan language is that these proverbs and idioms are usually only studied by our talking chiefs (tulafale). Such guidelines while open to modification given changing times, were, nonetheless, always founded on a particular theological understanding of mans relationship with God, as God Progenitor. Salutations to the fourth heaven! Here are some examples of a funeral speech that celebrates the deceaseds life but at the same time expresses the grief of the speaker. To illustrate this point I wish to tell two stories of two tyrannical ancestors, Tagaloa and Nofoasaefa. this was very helpful. Muumuu are Hawaiian dresses, Samoans dont wear them. Traditionally, it was important for the family to bury the body within a day of death. This provides yet another example of the kinds of tuaoi at play in the contemporary scene. This is how people pay respect. Official Speeches You can unsubscribe any time you like, and don't worry, your email address is totally safe with us. Faasinomaga is mans inheritance designated by the designator God. Here, those affected by brain injury, Parkinson's disease, developmental delay or other communication issue, will find one of Southern . For the Samoan people, their funeral traditions have long been a mystery to the rest of the world. What we have are our proverbs or muagagana. (Samoan Proverb) Let the crab take counsel with its leg. As a designation from God each person has a right to their portion. Im proud to have called this incredibly special man my brother. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The best man's speech is followed by the cake. My sister Janet never met a challenge she didnt conquer. Click here to learn more. In fact, I know he would have preferred to spend his weekend resting and relaxing. And I couldnt stay angry with her. So I did what I usually do when searching for context and meaning and sought the assistance of my friends. Only by dying at home and being buried the day after death with the spirit avoid misfortune. In the ancient Samoan Mau the ultimate head is the Absolute, God or Tagaloaalagi. Tulouna le papat! Moving beyond tuaoi, challenging tuaoi, shifting tuaoi, fixing tuaoi, are all part and parcel of defining and living human life. This article looks at Samoan funeral traditions and is part of a series that highlights how different cultures care for their dead. Paul and his colleagues such as David, I am heartened that for a people who have lost so much they continue to have hope for their faasinomaga. The role of the high chief (tofa) is to look ahead and divine the implications in the long term and to intervene on behalf of the long view, mercy and compassion. Knowing how to offer condolences is an important part of Samoan custom. I knew there and then that I would never be able to stay away from her, and that my life would not be complete without her in it. My sister Marian has always been a gregarious and outgoing person. In fact, there were times I had to ask him to be a bit more hands-off so that I could get to my babies! While its hard to believe, nobody really dies in Samoa. What is of significance here is that unlike a right to land, a right to title emphasises service or merit rather than genealogy or the reputation of biological antecedents. This designation is located in the heart, mind and soul of a person. Sales from our pages result in a small commission to us which helps us to continue our work supporting the grieving. Samoan culture and customs). It gave them a designation and identity, i.e. The lands of Samoa are believed to be the lands designated by God for the people of Samoa. We went to different colleges after high school and the careers and lives we pursued after our studies were poles apart. A public lecture or reading, especially delivered at a college or university. Thank you for taking the time to put your work into this. I walked into her office in error and there she was: the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Head of State of Samoa 25 of the Best Responses for When Someone Notices You Have Lost Weight, 20 of the Best Things to Say in Return When Someone Calls You Mean, 27 Good Things to Say to Someone When They Get a Tattoo, 18 Good Responses When a Guy Asks What You Think About Him, 9 Email Examples for Terminating an Employee During Their Probation Period. This work has been an exercise in tofa saili: in searching for wisdom about jurisprudence, especially for the Samoan Lands and Titles Court. In this setting the young person was in fact able to speak and speak on the familys behalf. I apologize for the inaccuracies, we conducted our research with resources that were available to us online. This leads me to the final section of my talk, what I have called the Practical reference. Much of the funeral process begins in the week before the funeral. The tuaoi or boundary between parents and children was in the village setting traditionally defined by social and cultural expectations and the economic and political realities of village life. This final case involves the situation where an elderly chief was beginning to lose his faculties. Salutations to the first heaven! These have evolved from ancient traditions, and theyre still in practice in Samoan communities across the globe. My siblings and I gave her a lot of gray hairs along the way. Jane was always an old soul, and she always knew how to focus on the big picture as opposed to the pesky details of life. We also may earn commission from purchases made through affiliate links. It seems pertinent to share those thoughts with you also. God married and issued man and so man is a genealogical child of God. Both stories, together with the discussion on rights, illustrate the varied contexts of tuaoi. The reason of course was that it was in their common interest to do so. The funeral service doesnt usually just involve close family and friends. The 'Do's and Don'ts' of a Funeral Speech Land is therefore inherited only insofar as it has been apportioned to man in trust according to genealogy and history. The strife caused disharmony for twenty years. Tulafono when read alongside muagagana in this way can only be interpreted as products, not of and/or from a culture of rigid calculation and unfeeling application, but of a culture that privileges the dignity and sacredness of humans, their weaknesses and strengths, and their right to live in a manner and form, within their customs, rules and laws that do justice to them as living beings, as creations and children of God. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. What he says sums up what I would like to leave with you. Pinterest. Despite this, many of the concepts discussed remain vital to many Samoan end-of-life rituals, especially in diasporic locations. I belong to my family and my family belongs to me. For Samoans, life and death are about much more than a single person. Honorifics mark the tuaoi between land and people. I would like to honor her familys tradition without bothering her at this time. Something drew us to each other though. To touch the head of a chief is a serious breach of tapu because the head, as suggested, is the residence of divine discernment and so should not be tampered with. Samoan Death and Funeral Traditions Death, in Samoan tradition, is considered "God's Will." It has traditionally been believed that Samoans should die at home. Mother Earth is not a resource, she is an heirloom.. Thediscussions lasted for several hours and finally got to the point where everyone was talking about atonement. Another kind of celebration? To me he has found the soul of why we are engaging in this exercise, this exercise of tofa saili, for a jurisprudence that can do justice to the aims of the most indigenous of our Samoan courts our Land and Titles Court. In doing so I received a profound message from my dear friend Fr. Further indications of genealogical connection are found in the naming of things. Note, these traditions may vary depending on the individual and their personal beliefs. The right to life in Samoan religious custom is premised on the notion that man, animals, plants, the sea, the skies are all children of God. There were crushes and boyfriends that caused heartache and heartbreak. The mediator then said to her, hey that's great you speak English, we can send the interpreters home? He presided over family dinners with a quiet dignity that spoke of a patriarch who took that responsibility seriously. Before the advancement of mortuary science there, the deceased was buried the day after death. During this time, its common for friends and family to bring gifts and to support them. We, her children, were her pride and joy; she regarded us as the greatest accomplishment of her life. Its that mutual love and respect that makes me know Jennifer was the best friend I could ever have had. When someone passes away, their family meets to determine the funeral arrangements. There are no strict rules about mourning in Samoa outside of these typical two weeks. At St. Jude Medical Center, our speech and language specialists are experts in helping patients find their voice, regain their ability to communicate, and reclaim their quality of life. It made things interesting. Because open caskets are common at the funeral, this is still the most common choice in Samoa today. I have two girls with my ex-husband, ages 15 and 10. Tulouna le lagi tualima! Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. If she didnt understand something, shed work at it until she did. Ua le sei seu faaalo As part of Government policy each village was entitled to have an access road to their plantations constructed at no expense to them. When I first called him Mr. Robinson after graduation, hed turned around and said, Is my father standing behind me? When I replied in the negative, hed said, Then why are you saying his name?. NEW BONUS - Also receive a copy of our short eBook - '99 Ways to Spot a Great Grief Counselor'. Janet was an exemplary student. K-12 caseload. In thinking about this I am reminded of a famous story about Robert Benchley while he was a student of International Law at Harvard University. You can change counselor at any time if you wish. Like when I decided that the patio needed to be refurbished. That is, in 1907, 1925, 1972, 1978 and 1997 five different genealogies were submitted by the same party in support of their respective claims. My qualification is that I am a litigant. Hawaii The question poses itself: How do you determine the credibility or authenticity of a genealogical record? She was a caring, supportive and loving wife, mother, sister, grandmother . The saying: E iloa le matai i le au tautua, literally means the status of the matai or chief is measured by the quality and quantity of service afforded him by those who serve. That is, the principle upon which feagaiga is founded, i.e. The issues of the first two cases are easily resolved by the Lands and Titles Court, but only if the Court is willing to seriously address its judicial competencies and standards. There are no words I can use to express my gratitude, which I know would disappoint John. Despite the fact that she was ill, and we knew her passing was inevitable, it has still come as a shock to us as a family. Hehe. When disaster struck Samoa in 2009, a national day of mourning was declared to honor and remember those who had died in the devastating tsunami that took the lives of 143 people and destroyed villages. Tulafono means Law. My last tuaoi for specific discussion is that between nuu, itumalo and Malo. Delivering a funeral speech can be a daunting task. regular service and merit. I recognize a couple of concepts: 'lauti' - the leaves of the ti tree - and 'laulelei' which . Sample remarks for a non-religious funeral "Looking around the room today I see many familiar faces, as well as some new ones. In this tuaoi parents speak on behalf of their children (i.e. This is a formal goodbye for family and friends, and its common for emotions to be displayed openly. He shaped me into the man I am today. We hope our funeral speech examples will inspire you to write a heartfelt eulogy to honour your loved one. She had such an infectious zest for life that she could always find the humor or a silver lining of any situation, regardless of the gravity. But when I look back on the life weve shared, it was more than worth it. This refers to things like monetary gifts and woven mats. He showed me the value of questioning that which was placed before me as fact. It seems to be a lot of family everyday.. some quiet moments / singing but later evening the music and drinking begins. For our purposes I raise brief discussion only on the tuaoi between people namely between matai and au aiga, tamaalii (high chief) and tulafale (orator), parent and child; the tuaoi between nuu (village), itumalo (district) and Malo (central government); and between the Lands and Titles Court bench and pae ma auli (Samoan mediators). Saili, means search. Without them we lose our designation as Samoans. Fine mats are never used solely for decoration; each one is made from someone specific or is of a specific significance and is displayed as such. the devastation of all food crops which may include razing family residences in the village. Relationship Grief - How to Overcome the Loss of Someone Close to You, The Influence of Time on Grief Thoughts on Grieving a Partner. Our children were the center of Samanthas world. Lets explore and use our indigenous reference as moral and ethical lodestar to heal and shape our imaginations. Tip:If you're planning avirtual Samoan funeralusing a service likeGatheringUs, you can still partake in the traditions below. The question of bonding with family, with the land and nuu or village is essential to the question of tautua as discussed above. They are what make us Samoan. In Samoan theology there are ten heavens. It's used to describe someone who has no fixed abode. Your soul has moved on, and your family mourns this loss. the family of God, assumes a close and intimate relationship between God and man. A funeral is an emotional occasion and delivering a speech, unprepared, in front of the congregation is a recipe for disaster = one that will not soon be forgiven. The nine messages of the funeral chant are as applicable to life as to death. This case highlights an evidential problem or a problem of precedent which has serious implications on the manaof the Court, let alone the claimants, if not resolved. She had an incredible work ethic. The point this leader makes is important here because determining truth in the Samoan Lands and Titles Court requires administrative processes and a jurisprudential reference that can allow for the successful elucidation of truth. From this we see that the various tuaoi are in themselves multi-layered. Especially where delay in the determination of appointments to important titles impacts on use and enjoyment of lands and other titles, and as well on the role and function of that title holder on village and district hierarchy. The perennial challenge of the tofa saili or search for wisdom in land disputes is how to locate tuaoi or boundary in a climate where tuaoi seems to be shifting constantly and sometimes even arbitrarily. Any information provided on this website is general in nature and is not applicable to any specific person. Before moving to my second way forward I note a point made by Chief Maori Court Judge Joe Williams, who tells the story about a traditional leader of a Maori community under judicial review. Talk with your funeral director or event planner to see what rituals they can adapt for a live stream. He seldom said much. Tulafono are based on tuaoi. The tulafale also leads a special ceremony called saofai, where the family discusses any important decisions to be made about the deceaseds passing, shared stories, and have a feast often using a Samoan umu, an Earth oven with heated rocks, to cook the food. For specific advice, please consult a medical practitioner or qualified psychologist or counselor. We [indigenous peoples] are in a state of imbalance that has lessons to teach especially in how we as Indigenous fail in our imagination about the emerging traditions in and of ourselves. These have evolved from. Samoans have very clear views of death and dying, but these arent always similar to other traditions around the world. My mother was the heart of our home, the center of our universe, and the greatest example of unconditional love we couldve hoped to have. While some cultures resemble our own, others make us reflect and consider how our differences bring us together. Thank you! We just understood each other. Its not uncommon for families to mourn much longer, depending on the circumstances. The ancient right to title is founded on the same grounds to that of land. The common Samoan saying: o le ala i le pule o le tautua recognises the discourse of rights to Samoan custom and the implicit location of these rights in traditional notions of authority or pule. . Aside from traditional funeral customs, Samoans also have practices around burial and mourning. Tulouna le lagi tuatolu! Pendants, necklaces, rings or bracelets, we have them all in all kinds of styles. Thanks to him, I developed analytical skills that I continue to use today. Salutations to the obtainable! Eleele, meaning earth and palapala,meaning mud, can also mean blood.

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