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Our programs, services, and learning opportunities align with our mission, vision, and core values, reflecting the tenets of the Knight's Call, while using data to inform how . 2003 41,590 He has been relentless in encouraging his followers to political action: As the vice-regents of God, we are to bring His truth and His will to bear on every sphere of our world and our society. 2011 1,000 2002 657,165 2012 15,000 2013 2,168,986 (does not include local FCA branches), Fidelis Center For Law and Policy (EIN 20-2787890). Les syriens, les birmans, les ougours, les kurdes et autres iraniens, victimes du terrorisme et des dictateurs, peuvent mourir par milliers, ils ne rivaliseront jamais avec les victimes arabes du conflit isralo-palestinien. (note: other The Gathering foundations give substantially more funding to CWA than does NCF), 2001 600 That program was, and remains, the foundation and core of Compassion. 2013 0, American Center For Law and Justice (EIN 54-1586817), Started by televangelist Pat Robertson, the ACLJ has an active relationship with Robertsons Regent University. The First Academy (of Central Florida) In 2010, Desert Stream Ministries head Comiskey admitted (see: http://www.truthwinsout.org/pressrelease/2010/03/7561/) that Desert Stream had been cast out of our home church, the Vineyard Anaheim church, because a longstanding staff person from Desert Stream had sexually abused at least one teenager who had sought help from us., 2003 0 2003 0 Food for the Hungry grants helped fund the creation of the Disciple Nations Alliance, which has worked directly with Ugandan Stephen Langa, one of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. ADA is a Michigan spinoff of Donald Wildmons American Family Association. For all practical purposes, The Family and The Gathering can be considered the same, conjoined entity. Gods ultimate answer for suffering and deprivation is the gift of His only Son, Jesus 2003 210,325 MLM videos have been re-dubbed in a range of major world languages. 2012 1,600, Truro Anglican Church (Truro Church) (no EIN). then, is an unavoidable dimension of relief and development worknot only for Consequently, it is not surprising that one of the most prominent AIC churches in Kenya, Nairobis Africa Inland Church Ziwani, has recently served as a launching point for Kenyan Vice President William Rutos mounting rhetorical attacks on LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. This church runs a local Celebrate Recovery program a national addiction recovery program launched from The Saddleback Church of frequent speaker The Gathering speaker Rick Warren who has been noted for his encouragement of anti-LGBT animosity in Africa and, specifically, Uganda. (see: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/04/29/iowas-gop-senate-candidates-vow-to-block-judges-who-wont-follow-biblical-law/), Reported Charisma News in August 2013, Despite revisions to the original document, pastor John Hagee still opposes a proposed city ordinance intended to protect the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in San Antonio, Texas.. During Campus Crusades Pamoja III conference, as described in a Truth Wins Out special report which broke the story on the virulently anti-gay conference, the other featured speaker was Ethiopian Dr. Seyoum Antonios, who. 2013 4,400, Marriage and Family Foundation (EIN 26-0142546), In 2005, top leaders from Chick-Fil-A, including Don Cathy, launched the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund, which later change its name to the Marriage & Family Foundation. 2005 157,700 2002 988,954 2008 31,800 2005 22,000 The Biblical family is predicated on Gods created order and His dominion mandate for men and women to be fruitful and multiply and to steward the earth. 2005 0 Brad Phillips, brother of Christian Reconstructionist and former head of the now-defunct Vision Forum Doug Phillips, is head of the Voice of the Martyrs effort in Southern Sudan. 2009 $7,572,475 (ORU missions $2,000, ORU Evangelistic Association $100) 2004 85,500 2012 0 Baal was doubling up in the city by adding homosexual decadence to his existing active altar there. And they would even seem perplexed by the question. Daystar Church head pastor Johnny Enlow is one of the most outspoken New Apostolic Reformation leaders on homosexuality. 2006 22,500 (Conservative Caucus Research) Minnesota Family Institute and Council 2002 12,150 Leading those drives towards schism have been the so-called Renewal groups within the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and other traditionally centrist or liberal Protestant denominations. 2008 924,456 2012 310,415, Association of Christian Schools International (EIN 95-6072587 : also funded by The Gatherings Huston Foundation & Stewardship Foundation). Hitlers genocide wasnt really an issue for them. 2004 0 (see: https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_supreme_court_recognizes_that_hostility_toward_religion_is_just_as_dang), Since that 2001 Supreme Court decision, the Good News Club has established its bible clubs in over 3,500 American public schools, as chronicled by journalist Katherine Stewart in her book The Good News Club: The Christian Rights Stealth Assault on Americas Children (2012, Public Affairs/Perseus Book Group) (see: http://www.thegoodnewsclub.com/book). 2007 40,004 2002 20,300 2012 0. Im thankful that Christians across the country urged World Vision to reverse their decision, and prayed fervently that they would do so. New Hope has acquired, as a co-leader, Anne Paulk who was a co-star in the 1998 Love Won Out campaign that showcased ex-gay couples in full-page ads which ran in leading print media venues such as the New York Times. 10. I was told that homosexuality was a demon that needed to be cast out of my life. American Values is headed by Gary Bauer. In early 2014 Gothard resigned from the IBLP following accusations over sexual harassment from over 30 different women. 2010 37,299 Robertsons vilification extends to eliminationist hate speech targeting entire societal groups. This change impacts Compassions rating negatively because we choose to send dollars to the Implementing Church Partners every month for our programs that impact children. The Heritage Foundation The consultation will mobilize grass roots concerns with policy and strategic direction for everyone concerned about LGBT equality everywhere. Massachusetts Family Institute fundraising banquet in October 2014. 2007 118,532 Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom, Association of Christian Schools International, Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Church Quake! 2006 58,200 2009 3,000 The Alliance Defending Freedom was launched in 1994 with a conference call co-hosted by Campus Crusade For Christ founder Bill Bright, who in turn was an inner-sanctum member of the Washington D.C. network known as The Fellowship (long headed by Douglas Coe.) 2008 8,300 2006 281,500 The extensive foundational ties of the Rutherford Institute to Christian Reconstructionism are outlined by journalist and researcher Frederick Clarkson, in a chapter of Eyes Right: Challenging the Rightwing Backlash (1995, South End Press, edited by Chip Berlet) : The Rutherford Institutes John Whitehead was a student of both Schaeffer and Rushdoony, and credits them as the two major influences on his thought. The Bible is clear in teaching on sexual sin including sex outside of marriage and homosexual acts. 2007 212,500 2008 277,750 The Iowa Family Policy Center is the educational arm of the Iowa Family Leader. 2002 0 Ahmanson was a key financial supporter, up to 1995, of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation and up to 1995 served on the Chalcedon board of directors. 2005 897,800 For example, in early 2014 Focus on the Family president Jim Daly weighed in on controversial Kansas House Bill 2453, that would have legalized discrimination, by individuals or religious entities, on the basis of gender of sexual preference. 2008 5,920 2004 0 2009 112,042 Vision America, Inc. I know its at least over 80 percent, I believe its 80-85 percent success rate. relationship more powerful than poverty changing their life and yours! 2006 50,400 These people are playing for keeps. How much does it cost to sponsor a child through Compassion? 2002 26,500 He is the fifth president in Compassion's history and has been president since 2013. Obediently pursue Jesus command to be salt and light to the culture His national group, he noted, is like an 800-pound giant compared to Colorado for Family Values, which has a half dozen people in a one-room office. One of the most prominent Sozo entities is Andy Reese The Freedom Resource ministry (see: http://www.thefreedomresource.org/). 2013 180,000. safe community where they can learn, grow, play and dream. 2010 500 2006 14,100 In 2013, AFTAH head Peter LaBarbera spoke at an anti-gay rights conference at Jamaica, during which he touted ex-gay therapy, stating, The dirty little secret that the media and homosexual activists are desperate desperate to squelch is that people are coming out of homosexuality every day. In March 2009, Don Schmierer, a program director at Ahmansons Fieldstead Institute (sometimes referred to as Fieldstead and Company) who co-led the 1997 presentation with Schlossberg, spoke at a Kampala, Uganda conference credited with dramatically escalating anti-gay hatred in Uganda. 2003 10,000 2004 14,900 In effect, Villars began a process that re-conceived evangelical aid and relief work as a holistic enterprise in which evangelism and pro-capitalist free market solutions were fused; in the new Villars paradigm, spreading the gospel and teaching the biblical worldview were integrated into Christian aid and relief work and became regarded, moreover, as indispensable to successful economic develop and the reconstruction of healthy societies. A Director of Opposition Research for the Republican National Committee while in law school, Bauer served, from 1982-1987, as President Ronald Reagans Deputy Under Secretary for Planning and Budget in the Department of Education. 2001 35,000 Thomas, once a practicing Catholic, has been attending Truro, a charismatic Episcopal church, for about a year, The Friday evening ceremony was a jubilant occasion. About Compassion International What is Compassion International? 2006 197,000 After graduating from Covenant College, an elite fundamentalist Presbyterian school (We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview) which over the years has received heavy funding from the Maclellan Foundation, the young Michael Cromartie was chosen to serve as Charles Colsons special assistant for Prison Fellowship Ministries (see: http://www.ttf.org/mr-michael-cromartie ). 2009 5,200 2009 33,400 Vision Forum has published writers such as William O. Einwechter, who not only argues for the criminalization of homosexuality but also for the execution, per Old Testament scripture, of disobedient children. Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony declared Schlossbergs book Idols For Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture to be one of the most important books of the 20th Century. 2012 0 2011 0 employment as an adult, more likely to become leaders It's a 2005 55,800 Sponsored children are selected by the sponsors from lists provided by the ministry, and two-way communication is encouraged between the sponsored child and the sponsor. 2008 167,000 2010 50,000 This is the work of God, this is the work of Jesus. The prior year, in 2012, LaBarbera was a participant in the 2012 World Congress of Families, in Madrid. Earths climate system is no exception. In 2010 Christian Union organized rallies at Princeton, Dartmouth, U Penn, and Yale for the virulently anti-gay ministry the International House of Prayer, which was featured heavily in the 2013 award-winning documentary God Loves Uganda (see: http://www.godlovesuganda.com/). ARFP advised the Kansas legislature on Kansas House Bill 2453 that would not only have allowed private individuals and religious entities to discriminate against same-sex couples but also extended that right to discriminate to government employees. 2003 10,000 2003 3,500 [18], In 2013, a primary research report in the Journal of Political Economy provided evidence in support of the conclusion that child sponsorship via Compassion International resulted in significant positive outcomes for the children in the study set. First, Charity Navigators updated criteria removed revenue growth as a measure they evaluate. American Values, with your help will fight this radical agenda state-by-state and here in Washington., 2001 34,250 It was the strength that he emulated.. Officers Christian Fellowship 2010 0 2008 2,674,708 2010 111,600 The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty, which bills itself as the premier religious liberty law firm in the United States ( http://www.hobbylobbycase.com/about-the-becket-fund/ ) represented the Green family, owners of the Hobby Lobby craft supplies store chain, in the 2014 Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case that was decided in favor of the Greens and Hobby Lobby by the U.S. Supreme Court. 2006 5,914,566 2002 0 Battles to remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings, and fights to take under God out of our Pledge of Allegiance. 2. 2007 4,000 2011 6,700 2009 175,300 ( 50K to AFA radio ) Christian Union In a similar manner in which the 1980s-era Coalition on Revival created plans for how to impose biblical law and the biblical worldview in all sectors of society, The Villars Consultation launched a now-burgeoning school of thought on how to integrate the biblical worldview into Christian aid and relief work. 2005 17,550 It was organized to counteract the radical movement on campus. TheCall 2011 73,800 Since 1952, Compassion's ministry model has proved to provide immense stability in the face of various economic situations. 2006 160,100 For example, in 2003 E&PCC published a March 31 op-ed (The Just War Case for The War) by the noted Catholic theologian George Weigel which argued that classic Christian just war theology supported a US attack on Iraq. 2004 1,200 2008 130,000 2013 10,345,242, Campus Crusade sub-ministries, 2001-2012 20,622,853 (see appended at end of alphabetized list). 2006 $11,226 2001 5,000, New Jersey Family Policy Council (EIN 22-3388998), Another in the Focus on the Family-linked network of state family policy councils. Over the last decade ADF lawyers emerged in the forefront of legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in states across the nation. Compassion currently works in 27 countries around the world. What specific benefits does a child receive through sponsorship? bisexual behaviorsLev. 1:27), witchcraft, dissension, and cheating. (see: http://www.thefirstacademy.org/files/Admissions%20Images/StudentApplication.pdf). 2009 0 2009 1,370,350 2007 83,400 (combined, all AoG entities/missions) 2011 149,998 2004 27,500 2011 0 2008 284,700 ( 143K to AFA radio ) But a search on the same website for the term same-sex leads to this: After two years of being a part of this support group, my struggles with same-sex attraction subsided. 2007 192,000 In the video Alcorn states, Jesus did not say to medicate a demon, he said to cast them out.. The ADF is currently representing a group of plaintiffs challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires employee health plans from for-profit employers to provide contraceptive coverage. The attempt to synthesize Marxist categories and Christian concepts, to equate Another prominent endorser of Freedom Tools has been Rich Stearns, president of World Vision U.S.A. Freedom Tools presents demon deliverance as an integral part of the process of psychological and spiritual healing. Our program is run entirely by local Christian The Neo-Evangelical movement, proposed Ockenga, would in the manner of the Nazi Blitzkrieg simply bypass secular areas of strength, to encircle and starve them into submission. The student posted on social media . 2002 200 2010 147,300 2009 4,000 View photos of children who are waiting for a sponsor. Citizens For Community Values 2004 20,000 2013 54,100. Beisners book drew heavily on the ideas of famed economist Julian Simon (who, along with prominent conservative Catholic philosopher Michael Novak, endorsed the book) and argued that environmentalist concerns which arose in the 1970s were hyperbolic and stood in the way of economic development that could lift the worlds poor up from destitution. Frank Worthen and Anne Paulk are founding members of the Restored Hope Network that formed in 2012 amidst the move of Exodus International away from the claim that reparative therapy works. (see http://www.talk2action.org/story/2010/6/29/94224/1951). Our Where We Work section contains general information about each country we work in, along with more specific information about major regions of each country. ), Louis Palau also has been an honorary co-chair of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, an organization dominated by NAR apostles from the International Coalition of Apostles (according to the NDPTFs 990 tax forms, which list multiple ICA apostles on the NDPTF board.). 2011 128,650 In late April, Eschliman, 41, a member of Christian Reformed Church of Newton, wrote a personal blog post criticizing the Queen James Bible, a website that rewrites the Christian Bible to be friendlier to gays. name and treasure the thought that you care about them. 2004 4,500 We consistently receive some of the highest ratings possible from charity 2007 148,000 2012 0 One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson. They went on to note that the evidence, while early, "suggest[ed] that these impacts are due, in part, to increases in childrens aspirations. This U.S. and international chain of Assemblies of God addiction recovery centers uses non-medical, unscientific methods, including exorcism, for treatment of addiction and attempts to change sexual orientation. 2009 6,800 2004 1,400 2005 10,800 Palau is also linked to top NAR leadership by marriage, to Louis Palaus sister Ruth Noemi Palau (now Ruth Silvoso.) One of the more significant of the U.S. evangelical international aid nonprofits, Food For The Hungry funded the development of former Food For The Hungry Vice President Darrow L. Millers Biblical worldview courses, based on Christian Reconstructionist concepts, that are being taught across Africa by the Food For The Hungry-funded spinoff nonprofit Disciple Nations Alliance. 2012 19,500, The First Academy (of Central Florida) (EIN 59-0696287). In March 2002, during the time of his first trip to Uganda, anti-LGBT agitator Scott Lively was serving as Director of AFA California. 2011 10,000 2007 30,000 www.compassion.com Stated Mission Exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty and to enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults. 2005 46,825 2004 0 2011 47,000 2010 6,300 We've discovered that changed circumstances rarely change people's lives, while changed people inevitably change their circumstances. 2004 700 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) people in Saudi Arabia face severe repression and legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents, Both male and female same sex, sexual activity is illegal.. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.The criminal code of Saudi Arabia is derived from the Islamic Sharia, from the 7th-century Quran and the prophetic . 2007 to 2008 0 Both scientific research and the personal experience of thousands of people show that a homosexual orientation can usually be unlearned. 2009 100,000 The College of Prayer works to establish local prayer and worship groups of anti-gay Christian leaders and politicians across Africa and the developing world. 2008 26,400 Camerons discredited research has established many of the tropes used to demonize the LGBT community which are now being deployed in Africa and elsewhere beyond U.S. shores, including claims that homosexuals have vastly reduced life expectancy, and the [debunked] statistical association of same-sex orientation with pedophilia. Within the Spiritual Warfare/Spiritual Mapping paradigm,demon powers oppress humanity and all creation, and individual demon, territorial spirits, hold sway over particular cities, towns, and geographic territories. It means we lose the objective source of law. (see: http://truthxchange.com/articles/2013/07/02/laying-down-the-law-on-yoga-mats-and-marriage/), Jeff Ventrella, head of Blackstone Legal Fellowship for the Alliance Defense Fund, has appeared on the TruthXChange radio broadcast (see: http://truthxchange.com/media/2012/02/14/jeffery-ventrella-esquire-two-ism-and-the-law/), E. Calvin Beisner, who heads the climate change denialist religious coalition called the Cornwall Alliance (see: http://www.cornwallalliance.org/) has also appeared on the TruthXchange radio broadcast (http://truthxchange.com/media/2012/02/16/dr-cal-beisner-two-ism-and-politics/), Dr Peter Jones is one of the featured speakers on the Cornwall Alliances Resiting the Green Dragon video series, which paints efforrts to curb man-made climate change as in reality a conspiracy to create a satanic one-world government. 2010 273,700 2009 144,500 2012 106,250. 2007 127,000 Barfoots Kansas Christ Church subsequently joined the Anglican Church of Uganda under the leadership of Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi, who has openly supported the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. 2012 0 not on sinful structures, but rather on sinful human choices that perpetuate 2011 19,383. Activists in states that allow gay marriage have been targeting bakeries and photography studios owned by citizens who oppose gay marriage based on deeply-held religious beliefs. 2009 4,032,927 But another speaker at the conference was even more significant, for having helped create the broader anti-LGBT rights strategy in which Lively has played an aggressive role. 2010 1,080,234 ADF is tied to anti-LGBT rights activism from the U.S. to Belize to Russia and has played a major role in the the anti-gay World Congress of Families (see: http://www.twocare.org/the-secret-american-money-behind-the-world-congress-of-families/ ). 2002 0 2012 392,100 Declared Advocates Guyana, While we defend the human rights of every individual, including homosexuals, we condemn the practice of homosexuality and its promotion through legislative amendments (see: http://www.guyanajesuits.org/cms-assets/documents/88691-264411.201238october-5catholic-standard.pdf). Compassion International Devops Specialist - Splunk Colorado Springs, CO 30d+ 2011 7,000 can only be dealt with adequately insofar as the spiritual dimension is taken into 2008 5,300 Failure to bond with his non-affirming father Feeling he can never measure up to his fathers standards of manliness.Envying his athletic brothers., 2001 1,000 Ransomed Heart Ministries 12290 Voyager Parkway 2010 1,000 The World Congress of Families has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT Hate group. The battle to protect basic freedoms never ends and all freedom-loving people must engage or those freedoms will soon be lost., 2001 22,500 By 2013, based on its $603 million in grants in FY 2012, the National Christian Foundation was judged by the Chronicle of Philanthropy to be Americas 12th biggest private foundation. 2006 540,305 Compassion-Assisted child development center regardless of their faith belong to Him 6 jobs listed on their profile for LGBT in. McCartney, who served on the advisory board of Colorado for Family Values, a group which in the early 1990s attempted to pass a Colorado constitution ban on gay rights, has declared that homosexuals are a group of people who dont reproduce yet want to be compared to people who do. (see: http://www.nytimes.com/1992/03/15/us/boulder-journal-coach-s-anti-gay-stand-ignites-rage.html ), The Promise Keepers official statement on homosexuality reads, We believe that the Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality violates Gods creative design for a husband and a wife and that it is a sin (Matthew 19:4-5; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10)., 2001 48,750 Along with Purpose Driven Life book author Rick Warren, Stafford was a featured speaker at The Gathering 2007. Jones also inveighs against the practice of yoga, writing, The god of gay marriage and yoga is not the transcendent personal Creator of Scripture, but the divine self within, who creates its own reality and the laws to go with it. opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. Continue Reading Share this post: The need to apply the teaching of the Bible as a whole in the areas of personal life, At The Gathering 1997, this Fieldstead special team presented a sophisticated, multi-level plan for fighting organized homosexuality( see: http://www.twocare.org/transcript-the-gathering-1997-the-homosexual-agenda/). 2006 90,500 Summit Ministries E&PPC Vice President Michael Cromartie serves (along with Marvin Olasky and E&PPC fellow Herbert Schlossberg) on the advisory board of the Cornwall Alliance, which in recent years has depicted concern over global warming as part of a vast satanic conspiracy referred to as the green dragon. 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