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The book includes information on key events during the period, modes of transport across the country, and investigator information like forensics and photography. and coverage. While drifters tend to only work when forced to, First Aid, Listen, Mechanical Repair, Psychology,hobos are essentially workers who wander. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) now. Before writing these resuts onto the sheet, decide Give your investigator a name andthe age of the investigator: write in their age, sex, occupation, current residence and where they grew-up.AGE MODIFIERS The blank box provides a space for your15-19 Deduct 5 points from STR or SIZ, and also from investigators portrait (if you are using a EDU. evolution, cryogenics, space exploration). $26.98. The average 1920s Livingtrack every penny. For some its a career or their business, for of patients. dling with all the cash and furs she can carry.The boss oversees the business, makes deals and determineshow to solve problems. If EDU is low or drawn out from play. This was done where a skill in one area would clearly Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) Shotgunconfer a higher level of skill in a related area, such as with Idea roll (rare) Idea rollrifle and shotgun. and secret gin joints. The following random tables provide a waydevelopment phase for the recovery of Sanity points. The highest enlisted rank is Chief Petty seek out prospects wherever they might be found. When distribut- Fighting (Brawl) Grappleing the skill pool, consider spending points in the new 7th Fighting (Brawl) Kickedition skills, especially Charm and Intimidate. Credit Rating: 3080 Computer Use, Locksmith, Fighting, Firearms). boss, to have it all). Credit Rating: 970 Governors are responsible for entire states and have con-nections across the country. modern times this may stem to illegal phone taps, computer hacking and other covert surveillance. Embed Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) to websites for free. Criminal also Gangster Cult LeaderOccupation Skill Points: Determines which Characteris- Deprogrammer [Modern]tics are used to derive the investigators occupation skills. P. Lovecraft, The Case Of Charles Dexter WardStep Four: Create a Most of the ideas and abilities that make an investigatorBackstory interesting and fun to play are a matter of choicenot nec- essarily dice roll results. Double this each range, written as short range/medium range/long range.round until extinguished (providing target is flammable). Indepen- dent farmers find themselves squeezed between competition from corporate-controlled farms and fluctuating commod- 79investigator's handbookity marketsa situation still common in contemporary required a distinct lack of restraint and an eagerness to flouttimes. 6th Ed.using a mixture of skills and characteristics. Freelance thugs Bank Robbermight work as muggers, stickup men Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 +and armed robbers. the trunk of artifacts to safety. Many stage actors have a back-ground in the classics and, considering themselves legiti- Credit Rating: 20-45mate, have a tendency to look down upon the commercialefforts of the film industry, although by the late twentieth Suggested Contacts: Local law enforcement, clients.century this is diminished, with film actors able to commandgreater respect and higher fees. Most Skills: Drive Auto, Electronic or Electrical Repair, Fight-are specialized in one part of the world, such as the Canadian ing or Firearms, one interpersonal skill (Fast Talk,woods, African plains, or other. He or she has had plenty of time(or forcing) a person to abandon their to learn how to be charming and sophisticated;belief or allegiance to a religious or social what else has been done with that free time iscommunity. When an Extreme success is achieved with an attack roll G (HG): Handgun the damage is increased. The mayors of big cities are wellpaid, however, often ruling their cities like little kingdoms Previously to the 1920s, this profession lacked respect;and wielding more influence and power than the governor however the money that Hollywood stars can make in theof their respective state. Depending onthe specific situation, the Keeper may allow the use of analternate specialization at an increased level of difficulty if 96chapter 5: skills For each skill, a number of examples are provided for Combined Skill Rollwhat might constitute a pushed roll, and also some of thepossible consequences for failing a pushed roll. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or POW x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Credit Rating: 030 Credit Rating: 920 Suggested Contacts: Religious or fraternal groups, news media. Its a useful way to introduce your investigator toGender of the Investigator the other players. Of course, some in- historic event can greatly define your characters outlook andvestigators might start the game with a significant injury or beliefs, helping you to build a specific and rich backstory.scar if implied by your investigators historyif so, write it in. Possibly family- Suggested Contacts: Generally only the person the spyrun, with relations also working on the premises, however reports to, possibly other connections developednormally few, if any, employees. Independent (Chemistry).scholars sometimes help support themselves by teachingpart-time courses. leOsIncectseukrpeilaslst-if wished. While serious works of art mightgeneric Art and Craft skill cannot be purchased. Perhaps they have was once held dear becomes mean- and skills. Credit Rating: 940 Commercial sailors may work aboard a fishing vessel, Suggested Contacts: Businesses within the same sector,charter boat or haulage tankers, carrying oil or commodi- favored customers.ties. A person uninterested in observa- newspapers).tion, experimentation and proof is not a scientist, thoughhe or she may be an occultist. The same cultist would have CON 12 +STR 20 DEX 60 INT 85 CON 70 SIZ 13, averaged to 12.5 and rounded up to 13 hit points.APP 85 POW 45 SIZ 80 EDU 80 Thus, some enemies and non-player characters may have 1 hit point less in 7th edition than in previous edi- tions. Hand-firing such a weapon withoutdepending on the size of magazine or drum used. S Add one of the following to the investigators Where an experience package requires an increase in acharacters age you should assign any additional skill points backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedarising from an increase in EDU prior to allocating the bo- with their experiences as a police officer.nus skill points granted by the package. Differ- Suggested Contacts: Other IT workers, corporate work-ent churches have different priorities and hierarchies: for ers and managers, specialized Internet web com-example in the Catholic Church a priest may rise through munities.the ranks of bishop, archbishop and cardinal, while a Meth- Skills: Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Li-odist pastor may in turn rise to district superintendent and brary Use, Science (Mathematics), Spot Hidden, anybishop. Sample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: a vastSample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: the site is amount of time and money is wasted in creating a failedspoiled, with finds ruined through incompetence, vandal- attempt; the audience or customer is highly offended orism or theft; some higher authority seizes the site or the physically injured by some aspect of your work; the criticsfinds from your control; publicity leads to the finds being slate your work and no one desires your services anystolen. Add these there.average, did the investigator drop out things to your notes. generous tipper, always helps out a 3. A place for quiet contemplation (e.g. They may appear in any form of oc- Credit Rating: 930 cupation, from ambassador to kitchen cleaner, in order to obtain the information they require. In a tribe, the primacy of kinship and custom is self-so on). phasize its personal nature. Each one de- party. Appraise (01%)Sample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: the animal Used to estimate the value of a particular item, including theattacks the trainer or someone else nearby, most likely quality, material used and workmanship. At up to triplethe range, the damage is quartered. Undertakers are licensed by the state. Voiceovers arechology. The 1920s saw many women opening their own hair- Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) or Disguise, Firearms, Listen,dressing and millinery shops. If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or she If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shekeeps digging deeper, ever deeperthe truth is down there creates a transgressive work that shocks and causes violentsomewhere. Occasionally they edit. a skill, to imaginary friend). Expeditions in 1921, 1922example. Survival -- Art/Craft (Photography) Photography This pool is redistributed among the 7th edition skills Fighting (Brawl) Fistwith the aim of creating a similar character. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Asylum Attendant Credit Rating: 930Although there are private sanitariums for those few whocan afford them, the vast bulk of the mentally ill are housed Suggested Contacts: publishers, critics, historians, etc.in state and county facilities. the office, library, bank). Taxis are requiredto be fitted with approved meters, periodically checked by Credit Rating: 1030the citys taxi board. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Hospital Orderly Credit Rating: 40-90 The typical hospital orderly is in charge of emptying waste, Suggested Contacts: Upper classes and landed gentry, cleaning rooms, taxiing patients, and any other odd job politics, servants and agricultural workers. Credit Rating: 1060 Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Drive Auto, two interper- Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness, sonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Per- medical doctors and occasionally detectives in law suade), History, Library Use, Navigate. (e.g. Allocate 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 80 where you like among your characteristics.Option 2: Modifying Low Rolls 2. Luck points and hit points may be left unchanged. 65Chapter FourOccupations Any magazine-cover hack can splash paint around wildly and call it a nightmare or a Witches' Sabbath or a portrait of the devil, but only a great painter can make such a thing really scare or ring true. While benefitting from their experience, they also bear its scars. Suggested Contacts: News industry, film in-Pharmacist dustry (1920s), foreign governments and authorities.Pharmacists have long been more closely regulated thanphysicians. Credit Rating: 10-30 With the right client, a lawyer could become a celebrity Suggested Contacts: Universities, scientists, librarians. May impale.1 or 2: one or two barrels fireable in same round. The method you use is secondary to this, Allocate the characteristic values as you wish among theand different groups will agree on different methods. Diligence and an attention to detail means that With the introduction of talkies in the latter part of the most accountants can make good researchers, 1920s, many stars of the silent films era cannot cope with the being able to support investigations through transition to sound. Anthropology might aid in this. lazy, drunk, unloving). Cash is readily available Deciding on an investigator name isnt always easy, so to the investigator, whereas wealth that is tied up in assetsfor inspiration see Period Names Table (page @@). Roll for backstory details then elaborate upon them later, during play. There is a higher power that you worship and praythe options; you may have had an affair with a marriedwoman, your wife may have died and your child fostered, or to (e.g. In the ment, media and marketing. A skill level of 50% is high enough to let a character eke Pushing Skillsout a living from it. The life of the roadmight seem especially American, but the same sort of life is Taxi Driverchosen wherever travel itself is not systematically dangerous. Neighbor-hood ethnic gangs, who had heretofore limited their activi- Suggested Contacts: Gangsters, law enforce-ties to local protection schemes and small gambling rackets, ment, local businesses.discovered the immense profits to be made in the illegalbeer and liquor industry. 6. A few aviators even service exams, police detectives of every era are grounded infind work as test pilots for the aircraft manufacturers. life and soul of the party, entertaining 6. The inten-tion is to make it easier to compare and make opposed rolls 7th Ed. Consider 1. 6. Skills: Drive Auto, Electrical or Me-Confidence tricksters are usually smooth chanical Repair, Fighting, Firearms,talkers. Flappers are most often employed as secretar- ies, sales help or in other, similar work. )A person who delights in the timeless excellence of design Architectand execution and in the power of ancient lore. Generally, a nurse will assist an individual, sick or well, with Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) activities contributing to health or recovery (or to peaceful death) that a person might perform unaided if they had the Credit Rating: 30-60 necessary strength, will or knowledge. 4. what do you blame them? full automatic fire.Burn: target must roll Luck to avoid catching on fire. Some hunters may work for Charm, Intimidate or Persuade), Law, Psychology,the black market, capturing live exotic species for private Track, Stealth.collectors or trading in illegal or morally objectionableanimal products like skins, ivory and the likealthough Boxer/Wrestlerin the 1920s such activities were more common and werepermissible under most countries laws. Usually maledown bail jumpers, bounty hunters may freely cross statelines in pursuit of their quarry and may show little regard a housekeeper would be the femalefor civil rights and other technicalities when capturing theirprey. ing in forging official documents, deeds and transfers, andThe craftsperson is essentially skilled in the manual produc- providing phony signatures. Researchers other skill as a personal or era specialty. Think ofa name for these places. knowledge. world, with probably the most famous being the Pinkerton and Burns agencies (merged into one in modern times).Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Large agencies employ two types of agents: security guards and operatives.Credit Rating: 920 Guards are uniformed patrolmen, hired by companiesSuggested Contacts: Amateur athletic circles, sports and individuals to protect property and people against bur- writers, circuses and carnivals. Pick one or choose randomly. Credit Rating: 3060 Farmer Suggested Contacts: Business or military workers, local An agricultural worker who might own the land on which government, architects. Skill Pool Harveys SIZ is greater than both his DEX and STR, sohis MOV begins at 7. chemicals and drugs. 259, investigator's handbook Rifle and Shotgun were previously two Combat Skills (Kick, Punch, Head separate skills, but have now been amal- Butt, Grapple, Knife and Club) gamated. The arm-waving histrionics of silent ac- the careful analysis of personal and business tors give way to more subtle characterizations. Childhood Friend (e.g. Some espouse forms of Christianity while othersFence incorporate Eastern mysticism and occult practices. In the U.S., charter boats work both coasts, as well as onthe Great Lakes, catering to sport fisherman and vacation- Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fasters. H. The signature setting for Call of Cthulhu, prohibition-era America is covered in detail. Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles). applied to a member of the upper class who is independently wealthy Aside from illegal liquor and narcotics, organized crime (either by inheritance or regulardeals in prostitution, protection, gambling, and many other allowance).forms of corruption. Thus, a cultist withAPP 17 POW 9 SIZ 16 EDU 16 CON 60 + SIZ 65 totals 125 divided by 10, yielding 12.5.

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