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An interim suspension may also be . The ARDC has two offices, one in Chicago located at 130 E. Randolph Drive, Suite 1500, Chicago, Illinois 60601, (312) 565-2600; and one in Springfield located at 3161 West White Oaks Drive, Suite 301, Springfield, Illinois 62704, (217) 546-3523. During a telephone call with that attorney, Mr. Pomrenze threatened great harm to the other lawyers client if the client filed a criminal complaint against Mr. Pomrenze or if he submitted a complaint to the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. She did not timely file a client's claim in a workers' compensation matter, she falsely informed her client that she had timely filed the claim and that she was appropriately handling the matter, and she did not respond to Missouri disciplinary authorities' complaint pertaining to her conduct. He made false or reckless statements about the integrity of a federal bankruptcy judge in nine motions filed in the bankruptcy or federal district court. The Supreme Court of Missouri entered an order suspending him indefinitely and staying the suspension in full in favor of a two-year period of conditional probation. Mr. Ruggiero, who was licensed in 1992, was suspended on an interim basis and until further order of the Court after the ARDC's Inquiry Board authorized the filing of a formal disciplinary complaint charging him with dishonestly misappropriating more than $260,000 to which he had access as trustee of his late aunt's trust. Mr. Luchtenburg, who was licensed in 1983, was suspended for 30 days. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona entered an order suspending him, on a reciprocal basis, for 45 days, effective retroactively to July 15, 2020, based upon an order of discipline from the Executive Office for Immigration Review of the United States Department of Justice. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. Ms. Tate was licensed in Illinois in 2009 and in Arizona in 2015. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. She charged an unreasonable fee by collecting a percentage of a six-figure recovery in an undisputed workers compensation matter when her fee was limited by statute to $100, and she engaged in a conflict of interest by providing financial assistance to her client that was not for court costs or expenses related to contemplated or pending litigation. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. She was the subject of a misdemeanor charge of attempt forgery. He used his former firm's bank account information without permission to pay his attorney registration fees, and he made misrepresentations to the Administrator in writing and in his testimony at a sworn statement during the investigation of his conduct. Mr. Hankes, who was licensed in 2006, was suspended for three years and until he completes the ARDC Professionalism Seminar, for converting nearly $80,000 of client funds. She also engaged in the unauthorized practice of law for approximately two months after having been removed from the roll of attorneys for failure to register, and she made false statements to the ARDC during its investigation of her case. The suspension is effective on June 9, 2022. In the course of representing a client, he failed to promptly turn over $43,601 in funds belonging to the client and third parties. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for 30 days. Ten months after learning of his personal injury client's death, Mr. Kolb prepared and sent a letter to an insurance company demanding settlement for injuries and for "future pain and physical limitations." In the course of representing clients in personal injury matters, he provided financial assistance to two clients, misrepresented the status of matters to at least two clients, and signed a client's name on a settlement release without authority. Mr. Bowe was licensed in Illinois in 1982 and in New Jersey in 1984. Following his conviction, Mr. Roth was sentenced to five years in prison. In 2012, Mr. Semrad was placed on court supervision for a misdemeanor driving-under-the-influence charge, and he was later convicted of misdemeanor domestic battery. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for six months and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Arizona. Mr. The Missouri Supreme Court indefinitely suspended her, with the suspension fully stayed by a one-year period of probation with conditions, and ordered that, should probation be revoked and the suspension take effect, no petition for reinstatement would be considered for a period of six months from the date the suspension became effective. Mr. Szymanski, who was licensed in 2013, was suspended from the practice of law for two years and until further order of the Court. She knowingly or recklessly made a false statement impugning the integrity of a judge and made false statements to the ARDC during her sworn statement. Ms. Sodaro was licensed in Illinois in 1986 and in Arizona in 2017. Ms. Susman, who was licensed in 1983, was suspended for five months, with the suspension stayed in full by one year of probation with conditions. Over a period of approximately three weeks in 2015, she sent dozens of emails, text messages, and other communications to attorneys in Florida with whom she was then engaged in a dispute. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Ms. Murray, who was licensed in 2013, was suspended for six months and until further order of the Court and until she completes the ARDC Professionalism Seminar. Mr. Leone was licensed to practice in Illinois in 1981 and in Florida in 1985. The ARDC may seek an interim suspension whenever an attorney has been charged with (as opposed to convicted of) a crime that involves moral turpitude or a crime that reflects adversely on the attorney's fitness to practice law, and there is persuasive evidence to support the charge. Ms. Kahr, who was licensed in Illinois in 1974, was suspended on an interim basis and until further order of the Court after she was convicted in Washington of two counts of theft for having misappropriated more than $282,000 from a disabled man while serving as the man's guardian. While representing a litigant in an appeal, she filed two motions seeking extensions of time on which she had forged the notary publics signature block. In another case, she failed to timely turn over a client file to new counsel and was sanctioned by the court for not complying with various court orders. She also did not communicate with clients about the status of their matters, inform her clients that she was closing her law practice, timely refund advanced fees that she had not earned, or safekeep client funds. Mr. Araujo, who was licensed in 1993, was disbarred for sexually harassing three women: a Chicago police officer, a court reporter and an Assistant State's Attorney, while he was acting as a Cook County Circuit Court Judge. In 2017 and 2018, Mr. O'Shea made false statements to the police and the Judicial Inquiry Board about the accidental discharge of a handgun in his apartment. Mr. Hall, who was licensed in 2019, was suspended for 60 days, with the suspension stayed after 30 days by a one-year period of probation with conditions. Carver, who was licensed in Florida in 1990 and in Illinois in 1991, was suspended for 90 days by the Florida Supreme Court. Mr. Semrad, who was licensed in 1994, was suspended for 90 days and until further order of the Court. Mr. Easley was licensed to practice in Illinois in 2007 and in Missouri in 2000. Mr. Tresslar was licensed in Missouri in 1985 and in Illinois in 1986. He converted over $67,000 in settlement funds belonging to a client and third parties in a workers' compensation matter. Mr. Burr, who was licensed in 1995, was censured and required to complete the ARDC Professionalism Seminar within one year of the order of discipline. Please note: Some lawyers named as respondents in disciplinary proceedings may have names similar to other lawyers on the master roll of attorneys. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended her for six months and until she is reinstated to the practice of law in Missouri. Mr. Wettermann, who was licensed in 1995, was disbarred on consent. Mr. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. attorney Bruce Alan Carr filed exceptions to . In addition, he misrepresented to the ARDC the amount of restitution he had paid to the credit card company. Mr. McCormick, who was licensed in Illinois in 2021, was suspended for two years and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed after six months by a two-year period of probation with conditions. He also provided money to the client as a loan against an anticipated settlement and then as a purported settlement. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. East St. Louis attorney Lawrence Joseph Hess and Valparaiso, Ind. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona suspended her for six months and required that, upon her reinstatement, she be placed on a two-year period of conditional probation. The Supreme Court of Indiana suspended him for 180 days, with 60 days actively served and the remainder stayed subject to completion of at least two years of conditional probation. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. In two cases, Mr. Wills failed to appear in court for clients, leading to the dismissal of the cases. Mr. Moore, who was licensed in 1986, was suspended for one year and until further order of Court. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. What is the ARDC? Mr. The Indiana Supreme Court suspended him for 180 days, with the suspension stayed after 90 days by a term of conditional probation of at least two years. Ms. Doss, who was licensed in 1989, was disbarred on consent for dishonestly converting $8,767 in funds being held in trust for her client in a real estate transaction and for improperly withholding $3,875 in funds being held in trust for that same client. The suspension is effective on February 10, 2022. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. He failed to act with reasonable diligence in seeking a patent application for a client, he ignored the client's attempts to reach him and then made false statements to the client about the status of her matter, he failed to return $2,975 in fees he had not earned, and he did not cooperate with a disciplinary investigation. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The opinions, announcements, and orders by the Supreme Court may be reviewed under the Recent Decisions tab or at the Supreme Court of Illinois website: www.illinoiscourts.gov. Over the course of ten weeks, he knowingly misappropriated $2,230 in funds he had agreed to hold in escrow pursuant to his work as an attorney agent for a title company. The reinstatement fee applies to each month that . Welcome to the Attorney Discipline Board. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. athaliah characteristics. His misconduct arose from his guilty pleas in two Rock Island County cases to charges of possession of a controlled substance and delivery of methamphetamine. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and reprimanded her and placed her on probation for two years, nunc pro tunc to January 23, 2020, subject to the conditions imposed by Arizona, and until she successfully completes her Arizona probation. His misconduct arose from his Michigan criminal convictions for manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a drug house, and possession of marijuana with the intent to deliver. STATE SEEKS SUSPENSION OF ATTORNEY - Chicago Tribune The ARDC's offices are temporarily closed to the public due to COVID-19.

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