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Jesus will take care of it'. I wanted to die but could not (Diary 23). Her father had already taught her to read, but at school she had the opportunity to learn more. Suddenly someone woke me up. I suddenly saw Jesus, Who said these words to me, Now I know that it is neither for the graces nor the gifts that you love Me, but because My will is dearer to you than life; that is why I am uniting with you more closely than with any other creature. At that moment, Jesus vanished. She told us children that when she grew up she would enter a convent, but we laughed. In November 1932 Sister Faustina left Pock and returned to Warsaw for the third probation and to prepare for her perpetual vows. After taking her first vows Sister Faustina stayed for a few months in Krakw. Through the locutory door which was ajar she saw an unpretentious girl and at first, on observing her somewhat shabby appearance, had a mind to turn her away but it occurred to her that it would be more charitable first to talk to her. No-one knew about it except for Father Micha Sopoko, Father Jzef Andrasz, and some of her superiors. In December of the same year she came back to the house in the ytnia, but not for long. An experienced confessor, Father Sopoko first tried to get to know his penitent, and not be misled by any delusions, hallucinations or fantasies deriving from human nature. But she wasnt sure she had understood His words correctly, that she was to found a new congregation, neither had she been told explicitly to inform her confessor of this, so for the next twenty days she remained silent. The Story of St. Faustina. As she continued to grow and develop in her own faith and spirituality, she was blessed with inspiration to develop the Divine Mercy image. His disclosure was followed by the same in the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. Her family had ten children and was very poor. Some, especially the more curious ones, were irked by my silence. Jesus does not ask you to suffer beyond your capacity. But as she left the confessional Jesus explained, My image is in your soul. Father gave a detailed answer to all my questions. One of them was Janek, who was said to be lapsed. Of Helenka she used to say that she had an inner life of her very own and that her little soul must be dear to Jesus. Greater sufferings from those which were caused by tuberculosis, she offered as a voluntary sacrifice for sinners and as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. She was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of Swinice Warckle. The Passion of Jesus teaches us what true mercy is. How marvellously her Divine Mercy service is making its way around the world and winning so many human hearts! She looked unremarkable, slightly delayed age-wise, rather feeble figure, a maidservant and cook by profession, no dowry, not even the most meagre of trousseaus. Faustina I Silver Roman Imperial Coins (27 BC-476 AD), In order to obtain a PARTIAL indulgence, the Faithful are required to pray, a legitimately approved invocation to our Merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. This scrawny young man, in dreadfully tattered clothes, barefoot and without a hat as Sister Faustina described the incident was freezing, as it was a cold and wet day. I gave her the prayers and said good-bye, and she said, 'See you in heaven. And the Lord told me that He was very pleased with my trustfulness (Diary 54). He asked Sister Faustina to do the Stations of the Cross at the hour of His death, but if duty prevented this, to come to the chapel for a short moment of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, and if even that was out of the question, to devote a brief moment to prayer wherever she was. St. Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament was born in Poland as Helena Kowalska on Aug. 25, 1905. Sister Maria Faustina (born Helena Kowalska in Glogowiec, Poland on August 25, 1905) was canonized on April 30, 2000 by Pope John Paul II thus becoming the first Catholic saint of the 21st century. On Sunday afternoons Father would take out the Lives of the Saints from the bookcase and read in the family circle. And he observed, Thats exactly what happened. Thanks to a satellite television link religious and lay pilgrims gathered in the agiewniki Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakw could participate in the ceremony. She memorised the stories of the hermits and missionaries, and the next day while out grazing the cattle would recite them word for word to us and others. This proved such an encouragement that it seemed to her nothing would be too difficult, and in an inner act she agreed to carry out Gods will although she knew it would mean great suffering for her. I gave the world its Saviour, and you are to tell the world of His great mercy and prepare the world for His second coming, when He will come not as a merciful Saviour, but as a just Judge. At first, I was a bit anxious, but after a while peace entered my soul; but I noticed that Jesus heard my Confession in the same way as my confessors. I stood next to the bedside cabinet on which there was a little altar set up and was overwhelmed with terror, but a moment later she came round and said, 'Ah, Sister, youve come, Im glad, do come in'. Sister Eufemia Traczyska, a young nun in her juniorate, had heard from Sister Amelia Socha that Sister Faustina was bound to become a saint. Sister Faustina wished a priest would come and resolve the question definitively and just say, rest assured, you are on the right road, or reject it all, for it does not come from God (Diary 127). She returned home aware of the Divine Visitor in her soul. I entered more deeply into myself and couldnt see anything but great misery. I could also clearly see the great holiness of God, I did not dare raise up my eyes to Him but cast myself into the dust at His feet, begging for mercy. It happened one day during the octave of Corpus Christi she recorded the most important event of her time at Ostrwek in her diary God filled my soul with an inner light enabling me to come to know Him as the Supreme Good and Beauty. Through the many visions that she had, she was able to grow and nourish her love for Christ in the Eucharist. This required a great deal of courage, as ever since 1959 there had been a notification by the Holy See in force prohibiting the spread of the devotion to Divine Mercy in the forms prescribed by Sister Faustina. During his homily in St. Peters Square, Rome, he referred to her words, I clearly sense that my mission will not end upon my death, but will only begin then (Diary 281). The same ceremony was being held in Rome in a beautiful church, and the Holy Father and all the clergy were celebrating it; and suddenly I saw St. Peter standing between the altar and the Holy Father. The Mercy picture had been put up for public worship in the most important place in the whole of Vilnius, the Shrine of Our Lady of Ostra Brama and on that day which Jesus pointed out as the Feast of Mercy. This religious fervor spread to Helena quickly, as she was known from an early age for her obedience, prayerfulness . He promised her his special help and protection, but asked her every morning to say three Our Fathers and one prayer which the Congregation said in honour of St. Joseph. They gave an excuse of not being able to afford a dowry and refused permission. The doctor, the nurses, the patients they were all very good to her. Shortly before she died she sat up in bed and asked Mother Superior to come up closer. The continual calling of grace was a great torment for me, nonetheless I tried to stifle my calling with various entertainments (Diary 8). Jesus not only revealed the depth of His Mercy to St. Faustina, but also gave her new forms of worship: the picture inscribed Jesus, I trust in You, the Feast of Divine Mercy, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Prayer in the Hour of His Death on the Cross, the Hour of Mercy. Without asking her parents consent she packed and went to the capital. St. Faustina was canonized in 2000, making her the first declared saint of the third millennium. Why is St Faustina important? Merciful Jesus, I trust in you) with a contrite heart. He said, When they say this Chaplet, it will please Me to grant everything they shall ask for (Diary 1541). Priests were to preach sermons on Gods loving mercy for Man and make their hearts trust in Him, thereby enabling them to draw on the fountainhead of Divine Mercy. Soon after that mysterious event she returned to Gogowiec to ask her parents permission to enter a convent. 30 on Parzczewska St. (now 1 Maja 7 St.) and they needed help with the housework and looking after their only son Zenek. Informed of this, Mother Superior Irena Krzyanowska forbade her to speak about it, and this is how Sister Faustinas extraordinary spiritual life was kept secret. . It turned out to be a false alarm. For Your Sons sake, You have to love me (Diary 240). St. Faustina is celebrated each year as an Optional Memorial on October 5. Others, the more thoughtful ones, said that Sister Faustina must surely be very close to God if she has the strength to bear all that suffering (Diary 126). Kowalska has such a blessed child! she used to say in the village. My soul trembled at the very thought that I was to take my vows. A Gift of God for Our Times In July her superiors sent her to the Congregations house in the spa resort of Rabka, but the sharp mountain climate was not good for Sister Faustina, she felt worse and had to leave after thirteen days. Sister Amelia arrived after me. She waited for the priest He had promised and the chance to have the painting of the Merciful Jesus made according to Gods will. It was during Vespers in simple words straight from my heart I made a vow of perpetual chastity to God. After a few months, in June 1934, the work on the painting was drawing to a close. 2. At night the whole family would kneel for evening prayers, in May they would sing the Loreto Litany in front of the outdoor chapel outside the house, and in October recite the rosary. The name Faustina is a girls name of Spanish, Latin origin meaning fortunate one. Her repeated protests that she felt unable to meet such a demand were of no avail. The family was not well off, so like her older sisters she went into domestic service. Faustina was beatified on April 18, 1993 and canonized on April 30, 2000. I thought she must be in her room and lying in bed, as she was ill, so I opened the door and went in. I want a Feast of Mercy. Do not be afraid of anything, be faithful right unto the end. He ate it. Where, if not in Divine Mercy, will the world find rescue and the light of hope? When I apologised to Jesus for asking that question, He replied that it had not offended Him at all. For the spirit space does not exist. She commuted into Warsaw from Ostrwek looking for a convent which would take her but she was turned down wherever she knocked to the gate. At first Mother General had not consented to her leaving the Congre- gation and had warned Sister Faustina to beware of delusions and imprudent moves, but now that she was travelling to Krakw for a visitation, on 4 May 1937, she said: Up to now, I have always held you back, but now I leave it entirely up to you; if you want to leave, you can do so; if you want to stay in the Congregation, you can stay(Diary 1115). For it was in Divine Mercy that the world would find peace, and mankind happiness. Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated the Second Sunday of Easter (which is the first Sunday after Easter). I was extremely happy, as I desperately wanted to make my Confession. Sister Faustina experienced visions of Jesus and Mary, during one of which Our Lord revealed that she was to . There will be a Feast of Divine Mercy, I see it, all I want is to do Gods will, she told Mother Superior. It was Sunday, 22 February 1931. But did you know she loved the Blessed Mother and her rosary? Her feast day is Oct. 5. I want the picture which you will paint with a brush blessed in a special ceremony on the first Sunday after Easter, that Sunday is to be the Feast of Mercy. She thanked me but did not take up my offer. Alongside its achievements which have by far eclipsed those of previous ages, the balance of the century now drawing to a close also carried deep anxiety for the future. The Chaplet to the Divine Mercy is recited even in obscure languages, and the prayer at the hour of Jesus death on the cross, the Hour of Mercy, is becoming more and more popular. With this priests help, Sister Faustina commissioned an artist to paint the first Divine Mercy image, based on her vision of Jesus. What most struck me about Sister Faustina, she wrote after her death, and still strikes me today as an extraordinary phenomenon, especially in the last months of her illness, was her absolute self-oblivion for the sake of the dissemination of the worship of Divine Mercy. He asked people to kindle that spark of Gods grace and to transmit the fire of mercy to the world. After a while Jesus said to her, Make Me a picture of this image in the form that you see, with the inscription Jesus, I trust in You. After that refusal I indulged in the vanity of life, not paying any attention to the voice of grace, although there was nothing in which my soul could find contentment. From a very tender age she stood out . The doctor said it was very bad. Aware of this, she took her leave of the community. Sister Faustina was born on 25 August 1905 in Gogowiec, Poland to Marianna and Stanisaw Kowalski as the third of ten children. Saint Faustina is known as the Missionary of Divine Mercy. During the terrible war years the devotion to the Divine Mercy spread rapidly, bringing a ray of light and hope into the darkness. His apparel was as bright as snow, and all at once He was gone. The Holy Father John Paul II wrote that in the age of totalitarianisms Sister Faustina became the ambassador of the message that the only power strong enough to counteract their evil is the truth of Gods Mercy. He said to her, You are the witness of My mercy; forever and ever you shall stand before My throne as a living witness to My mercy (Diary 417). The Diary of St. Faustina is the second most important book in the world, after the Bible. During this conversation she saw Jesus, who confirmed that this was His will, saying, I want such a congregation (Diary 437). Youll see that the Congregation will be solaced by me. Know that should you fail to have this picture painted and neglect all this work of mercy, on the Day of Judgement you shall be held to account for a great number of souls (Diary 154), He told her. In accordance with the words of Jesus and His Mother, not only was she to live by it herself, reflecting it in her heart and works, but she was also to let the whole world learn of it. Mother Janina Olga Bartkiewicz, who was postulant mistress at the time, showed a big heart to young postulants preparing for the religious life, but at the same time made big demands of them and directed them firmly. Two years later he made his second pilgrimage as Pope to the agiewniki Shrine, and in the basilica church he had just consecrated entrusted the whole world to the Divine Mercy. Divine Mercy Sunday is the perfect day to start listening to what Jesus himself tells us: (1) "I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor . She also hoped that coming to that house would mean the final accomplishing of Gods plans concerning the foundation of a new congregation. Nonetheless, the suffering was becoming more and more intense. This period, which Sister Faustina had foretold, contributed to the theological analysis of her writings and the making of the right foundations for the practise of the devotion. The suffering lasted a minute and then God again filled her soul with great comfort. St. Faustina's life was an imitation of Christ's sacrifice in . From henceforth Sister Faustina knew that she was supported in the carrying out of the mission not only by the Blessed Virgin but also St. Joseph. In August 1938 she wrote a letter to Mother General Michaela Moraczewska: Dearest Reverend Mother, I feel this is our last conversation on earth. Helenka knew this meant going to the chapel. She is known and venerated within the Church as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. Join the "Apostle of Mercy" as you prepare for Christ's birth! On that day are open all the Divine floodgates through which graces flow; let no soul fear to approach Me, even if its sins be as scarlet (Diary 699). Then I saw her all different, changed, and levitating over the bed, gazing into the distance as if she were looking at something there. He was born on November 11, 1873. I often visited her Sister Serafina Kukulska recalled and always found her cheerful, even happy, and sometimes as if radiant, but she never disclosed the secret of her happiness. No-one can deny that God is infinitely merciful; He wants everyone to know that. Sister Faustina continued to keep her diary in Krakw, recording not only Jesus words and her extraordinary mystical experiences, but also deeply moving contemplation on the mystery of Divine Mercy. . At the age of nine, she made her first Holy Communion. In the Lipszyc household Helenka was treated like a member of the family, they all loved and respected her for her hard work and cheerfulness, she had a way with children, in short she had all it takes to be a good wife and mother. It was in the convent at Pock, where Sister Faustina arrived in the May or June of 1930, that her great prophetic mission was to begin. Unexceptional, a meagre little creature, poor, nothing special about her, not very promising. At Skolimw she asked Jesus whom she should pray for. The suffering martyrs go through is no greater, for at such times death would bring me relief; there is nothing I can compare this suffering with, this endless dying of the soul (Diary 1116). After her perpetual vows Sister Faustina stayed in Krakw for almost a month, taking advantage of the service of Father Jzef Andrasz SJ, who like Father Edmund Elter had confirmed her in the belief that the visions were genuine and advised her to remain faithful to the grace of God and to be obedient. We were sitting on a bench and she came up from behind, put her arms around our shoulders and put her head between our heads. She prayed to the souls in purgatory to wake her when the time came for Sister Faustina to die. It was yet another task which seemed to transcend her capabilities. Her feast day is Oct. 5. Sister Faustinas health was deteriorating all the time and the end of her life on earth was approaching. Sister Felicja was surprised that the doctor allowed her to go to Mass despite her poor condition. He was spiritual director and chaplain in the Vilnian archdiocesan seminary, and confessor to numerous religious congregations, including the Antokol house of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy for their confession week. She apologised to Jesus and immediately revoked her decision. Sister Faustina decided to leave and straightaway write to the Holy Father to dispense her from her vows. St Mary Faustina Kowalska was born on 25 August 1905 in Glogowiec, Poland, to a poor, religious family of peasants, the third of 10 children. image of different languages; countries with representative democracy; busy farming in the last days novel; fortinet. On her way to Vilnius she made a stop at Czstochowa to entrust Mary her life and mission, which she received from God. 29 in the Abramowskiego and needed a child-minder for her three children. Sister Faustina had achieved the fullness of union with God and sang a hymn in honour of His unfathomable Mercy. FAQ: Who Is The Patron Saint Of Football? He would bless their words and endow them with such great power that even the most hardened of sinners would repent. Jesus said to Sister Faustina that the sign would come with the graces dispensed through the picture. Together they said the prayers for the dying, after which Sister Faustina told Mother Superior that she would not die yet. Tell them, O My daughter, that I am love and mercy itself (Diary 1074). St. Faustina Kowalska Catholic Online Saints & Angels Facts Feastday: October 5 Patron: of Mercy Birth: 1905 Death: 1938 Beatified: Pope John Paul II on April 18, 1993 Canonized: Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000 Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Printable PDF of St. Faustina Kowalska Shop St. Faustina Kowalska It looked impressive there, and attracted peoples attention more than the image of Our Lady over the gate.. The novice mistress at the time was Mother Magorzata Gimbutt, a prayerful person and devout practitioner of the mortifications, meek and quiet, who educated the young nuns entrusted to her care above all by the example of her life. St. Faustina is best known for her devotion to the Divine Mercy. Pilgrims started to come to her grave in the agiewniki Convent and pray for her intercession. Just as the astounding revelations on the Divine Mercy entrusted by Jesus to St. Faustina constitute God's final effort of salvation . When she entered the ward next day she saw that one of the patients was dying and heard that the agony had begun during the night at the hour when she had woken up. During her next confession she told her confessor about this incident. Sister, if you want to be by Sister Faustina when she dies, get up now. Word went round in the Pock convent that Sister Faustina had had a vision. After examining by the Holy See the next miracle of healing Father Ronald Pytel of Baltimore, MD, from incurable disease of the heart, the Holy Father John Paul II numbered her to the group of saints of the Catholic Church. Do what is in your power to spread the worship of My mercy; I shall complete whatever is wanting in your capacity. It was a picture with a new content, he recalled, and that is why I could not display it in a church without permission from the Archbishop, whom I was embarrassed to ask or, even more, to explain its origins. But Sister Faustina, urged on by Jesus, demanded it be put up in church. Along with great physical and spiritual suffering there were also vast graces, which Sister Faustina did not divulge to anyone except her confessors. She fetched her rosary, knelt by the dying persons bedside and started saying the Chaplet with all the powers of her spirit, asking Jesus to fulfil the promise He had made regarding the Chaplet. Her Cracovian spiritual director observed that since she had taken the decision she would be taking the full responsibility on herself. The Message is happy to share stories about the Divine Mercy devotion. But she took with her St. Josephs assurance that he was very much in favour of the work of Mercy entrusted her by the Lord. I looked at Sister Amelia but said nothing. There was also Jadzia, a blind charge, who told of her unusual experiences. I was amazed a junior postulant was capable of such self-restraint and goodness, she later wrote. The Novice Mistress thorough training and personal experience gave her the confidence to lead the novices into the spiritual life, teaching them to know God more profoundly, to pray and practise the ascetic life, so that their piety should not be emotional and soft but thorough, and bring them to an ever deeper union with God through obedience, humility, a self-sacrificing love of their neighbours and a zeal for the salvation of the souls entrusted to the Congregations apostolic care. Sister Faustina told him that his chief concern was to be the establishment of the Feast of the Divine Mercy in the Church and not to worry too much about the new congregation, and that there would be signs which would let him know what to do in this matter. And asked Mother Superior to come up closer beatified on April 30, 2000 in bed and asked Superior! Me that He was very pleased with my trustfulness ( Diary 1541.. 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