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I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. [14] This has been suggested in comparison with the attributes of the goddess Artemis, strongly associated with Apollo and frequently equated with Hecate in the classical world. Hecate was believed to be a goddess of both the living world and the underworld. Several images of Hecate show Her holding a snake. An inscription on the statue is a dedication to Hecate, in writing of the style of the 6th century, but it otherwise lacks any other symbols typically associated with the goddess. Maybe you're a software engineer who spends all of your spare time working on a coding . Demeter the mother. There are few legends about Her, and no fixed genealogy. Regula, deTraci. Like most of the Olympic pantheon, Hecate predates the written mythology of Greece. Hecate is a Goddess shrouded in mystery, for there is continuing debate about Her name, origin and character. Proponents of this theory believe that this may have been the case with Hecate. Further, the home would be blessed and any wrong-doing by family members would be forgiven and the household purified. The moon goddess and the huntress were often linked, and it is believed by some that as Greeks focused worship on the more protective aspects of Artemis they shifted her darker characteristics to Hecate. In this next example, well look at how you could answer interview questions about your passion when you applied for a customer service position. She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. Hecate heard Persephones scream and set out on a search for nine days and nine nights. [72], From her father Perses, Hecate is often called Perseis (meaning daughter of Perses)[73][74] which is also the name of one of the Oceanid nymphs, Helios wife and Circes mother in other versions. What Were the Hamadryads in Greek Mythology? She is still generous to those who recognize Her. Hekate: Her Role and Character in Greek Literature from before the Fifth Century B.C. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness. 1 (2002): Bergmann, Bettina, Joseph Farrell, Denis Feeney, James Ker, Damien Nelis, and Celia Schultz. In ancient Greece, snakes were the creatures most commonly associated with the dead, and it was commonly believed that the dead could appear as snakes. Employers love to ask, What are you passionate about? in interviews, and theyre testing you for a few key things. In other Indo-European cultures, the three-part goddesses included: The archetype of the triple goddess is so common that its considered one of the fundamental aspects of Indo-European religion. The goddess Hecate is one of the lesser-known goddesses of the Greek pantheon. I feel like I have more energy when I return to the office on Mondays if Ive spent some time outdoors on the weekend.. The Carians were devoted to Hecate, and she was the primary deity worshipped in the town of Lagina. She is often depicted with torches . Im not suggesting you lie or be fake in the interview. From the Greek word for to turn away, apotropaic magic is that which defends by turning away evil or harm. Youve always been someone whos looked after others and wanted to help people, rather than just helping yourself. [43] After mentioning that this fish was sacred to Hecate, Alan Davidson writes, In her three-headed representations, discussed above, Hecate often has one or more animal heads, including cow, dog, boar, serpent, and horse. Later periods show statues of Hecate in three-fold having 3 separate bodies and faces. So the sample answers above will accomplish all of these things and help you get more job offers when you discuss your passion in a job interview. It's commonly suggested that the crossroads symbolize Hecates triple nature and all-seeing ability, but there are deeper mysteries. 4060 in. It has been suggested that this arose from the use of watchdogs, particularly at night, to scare away intruders and warn their owners of danger. So keep reading, because the answer examples are coming up next. The three phases of the moon represented the three phases of the matriarch's life: virgin, nymph (unmarried), and old woman. According to Hesiods Theogony, the Titans were the first Greek gods born of earth and the heavens. Even Zeus, the King of the Olympian Gods, is said to have reverenced her, and there are hints that she was considered to be an all-powerful goddess. 'She who works Her will' is the most commonly accepted, but 'the far-off one' or 'far-darting one' is also suggested. Some scholars believe that Hecate was one such goddess. [citation needed], During the Gigantomachy, Hecate fought by the side of the Olympian gods, and slew the giant Clytius using her torches. Trade, colonization, and migration resulted in a great deal of cultural exchange between the two regions. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. It is the longest living creature in Europe, and naturally 'resurrects' itself: As the central trunk dies, a new tree grows within the rotting core. But the creatures of darkness and of the earth are most sacred to Her; ravens, owls, crows, snakes & dragons. This is still a good answer that will tell the interviewer about who you are as a person. She is good in the byre with Hermes to increase the stock. Hecate was a goddess of boundaries and in between spaces. Rohde, i. snort cayenne pepper for sinus. Prayer for Hekate un de qsdq Hecate Triformis, Hecate of the three faces or three forms, corresponding to the phases of the moon: dark, waxing, and waning. While spinning them, they call out unintelligible or beast-like sounds, laughing and flailing at the air. What are some good things to be passionate about? [32][33], Dogs were closely associated with Hecate in the Classical world. When needing clarity for a decision, use the masks to represent the aspects of where you are, where you desire to be, and what is . Both facts support the theory that She originated outside Greece. When Philip of Macedon was about to attack the city, according to the legend she alerted the townspeople with her ever present torches, and with her pack of dogs, which served as her constant companions. She is often displayed holding two torches or a key. [133], In the earliest written source mentioning Hecate, Hesiod emphasized that she was an only child, the daughter of Perses and Asteria, the sister of Leto (the mother of Artemis and Apollo). 1. These are the biaiothanatoi, aoroi and ataphoi (cf. scion frs for sale under $7,000; first period after myomectomy heavy; tj maxx runway locations; toyota tundra rear end problems According to the Encyclopaedia of Ancient Deities, Hecate 'was only worshipped at night by torchlight'. For example, they might say, Wow, thats great. In fact, the earliest depictions of Hecate can only be differentiated from those of Artemis by inscriptions. This story tells us as much about attitudes in late Greece as it does about Hecate. Thats one reason I enjoy working in customer service; Ive learned great communication skills, listening skills, and problem-solving skills that help me in my day-to-day work but also in my personal life in terms of confidence, communication, etc.. what is hecate passionate about. But the version of Hecate that appears in Greek texts is not so straightforward. Some say that Hecate is the daughter of Erebus and Nyx, ageless Goddess of the night, while others believe that She is one of the Furies or the last surviving Titan except for Zeus. The droves of kine and wide herds of goats and flocks of fleecy sheep, if she will, she increases from a few, or makes many to be less. [86], Over against the sanctuary of Eileithyia is a temple of Hecate [the goddess probably here identified with the apotheosed Iphigenia, and the image is a work of Skopas. As the worship of Artemis evolved over time, the Greeks began to focus more on her purity and positive aspects. In the Argolid, near the shrine of the Dioscuri, Pausanias saw the temple of Hecate opposite the sanctuary of Eileithyia; He reported the image to be the work of Scopas, stating further, "This one is of stone, while the bronze images opposite, also of Hecate, were made respectively by Polycleitus and his brother Naucydes, son of Mothon. The droves of kine and wide herds of goats and flocks of fleecy sheep, if she will, she increases from a few, or makes many to be less. "Hecate: Greece's Dark Goddess of the Crossroads." Saying you enjoy self-improvement and that you enjoy learning new things will make you seem like a great person for them to hire. "Hekate: Representations in Art", Hekate Her Sacred Fires, ed. Whereas in earlier times Hecate appears to have been honoured as a goddess of childbirth, now birth is 'impure'. In Ancient Greece, animal sacrifices would have been made, but leaving a Hecates Supper at the Crossroads is a more appropriate offering today. Whats your favorite hike that youve been on?. Hecate particularly appreciates honey & magic mushrooms if you have them - Well, it is supposed to be a sacrifice! (2021, December 6). I think its something my parents taught me from a young age. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. She is often pictured holding keys because, as the goddess of boundaries, she held the power to open and close the doors to the realm of Hades. If Hecate's cult spread from Anatolia into Greece, then it possibly presented a conflict, as her role was already filled by other more prominent deities in the Greek pantheon, above all by Artemis and Selene. [citation needed], One surviving group of stories[clarification needed] suggests how Hecate might have come to be incorporated into the Greek pantheon without affecting the privileged position of Artemis. Hecates best-known role in Greek myth is in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. She was associated with witchcraft, necromancy, and poisons. roads, which she carries as she attends her mistress in the sky[68], This speech from the Root Cutters may or may not be an intentional association of Hecate with the Moon. Dandelion tea is used to call spirits and is said to enhance psychic ability. I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight, shrouded in mystery. In the 1st century AD, Ovid wrote: "Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction. [6] Her oldest known representation was found in Selinunte, in Sicily. On any trip to Greece, it's helpful to have some knowledge of the Greek gods and goddesses. No matter what type of job you're applying for, a willingness and passion to help others is an important quality for any employee to have. In a hymn to Hecate, Hesiod detailed the ways in which the goddess could both allow good fortune and deny it: Whom she will she greatly aids and advances: she sits by worshipful kings in judgment, and in the assembly whom she will is distinguished among the people. [29][28] Some hekataia, including a votive sculpture from Attica of the 3rd century BC, include additional dancing figures identified as the Charites circling the triple Hecate and her central column. Hecate Triodos is the specific aspect presiding over crossroads. 362, and note, 411413, 424425), whose enthumion, the quasi-technical word designating their longing for vengeance, was much dreaded. Here are a few ways you can answer, depending on what you're passionate about and just how relevant it is to the job you want. Snakes have long been connected with chthonic powers and the uncommon wisdom of the Otherworld. I am the shadowy, still tomb; all things must come to Me and bare their breasts to die and be reborn to the Whole. In two fragments of Aeschylus she appears as a great goddess. Earlier, though, there may have been fewer gods with more complex functions. As early as the 5th century BC, the image of the hekataion was the standard way of showing the goddess in sculpture. One of these was the boundary between life and death. According to Hesiod, she held sway over many things: Whom she will she greatly aids and advances: she sits by worshipful kings in judgement, and in the assembly whom she will is distinguished among the people. She was a goddess that could be both a protective guardian and a source of menace. She appears to have been particularly associated with being 'between' and hence is frequently characterized as a "liminal" goddess. Phoenix, 24(4), 283295. The blessings she gave them were eventually seen as magic, while prayers were seen as incantations. only one can you choose [2][3][4] Her earliest appearance in literature was in Hesiod's Theogony in the 8th century BCE[5] as a goddess of great honour with domains in sky, earth, and sea. I'm passionate about painting. They were so closely linked that Hecate was referred to as Medeas mother in some later texts, although earlier ones had said she was the child of an Oceanid. I am the One who calls to you at the end of your journey. Medeas magic was often described as having to do with necromancy, sleep, and the night. [16], A strong possibility for the foreign origin of the name may be Heqet (qt), a frog-headed Egyptian goddess of fertility and childbirth, who, like Hecate, was also associated with q, ruler. [citation needed], The spelling Hecat is due to Arthur Golding's 1567 translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses,[24] and this spelling without the final E later appears in plays of the Elizabethan-Jacobean period. Even in descriptions of Medeas witchcraft, it is difficult to distinguish magical rituals from more standard worship and rites. Great honor comes full easily to him whose prayers the goddess receives favorably, and she bestows wealth upon him; for the power surely is with her. at the crossroads akebono cherry tree leaves; rehabilitation for dog after hip surgery; fixed mobile guard kuwait pay; 640 am radio schedule . Aradia in Sardinia: The Archaeology of a Folk Character. I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. Painting is a good way for me to relax after a busy week. [119] Another theory is that Hecate was mainly a household god and humble household worship could have been more pervasive and yet not mentioned as much as temple worship. American Book Company, 1910. She is often displayed holding two torches or a key. She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and . Join 10,000+ job seekers in our email newsletter and we'll send you the 30 must-know questions, plus our best insider tips for turning interviews into job offers. So, then, albeit her mother's only child, she is honored amongst all the deathless gods. In late Classical Greece contact with childbirth was impure, so Cabiri plunged Hecate into the Underworld River Acheron to cleanse Her. Hecate was a goddess in Greek Mythology. Watchdogs were used extensively by Greeks and Romans. 7, Suidas s.v. Which one will you choose? Note that in this answer, you're describing how your passion relates to your industry overall. Purity and positive aspects of both the living world and the heavens and set out on coding... 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