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), entered in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78, which had denied petitions to review respondents' denial of petitioners' separate Freedom of Information Law requests for access to records identifying 18 City of Schenectady police officers who allegedly were disciplined for engaging in an off-duty incident, and dismissed the consolidated proceeding. Knight v. State, Del. Also see examples of case names in Appendix 6. (U.S. Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, (Workers Compensation and Employers Liability, (Michael D. Green et al., Reference Guide on Epidemiology, in Federal Judicial Center, Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence at 336 [2d ed 2000]), (New York Law Reports Style Manual 1.2 [e] [2012]). General authorities should be consulted on matters not covered by this Manual. art. citation of codes, rules and regulations in, , NYLJ, Oct. 6, 2000 at 30, col 5 [Sup Ct, Nassau County 2000, Austin, J. Unless otherwise indicated, the examples in this Manual are shown as citations within parentheses. This guide is a starting point for Business Law resources. "New Jersey Statutes Annotated," may be used. You may omit the court name if the reporter title clearly provides this information. New Mexico Constitution. Probably the most notable change reflected in the new Style Manual is the continuing movement toward the use of electronic sources. Supply case name information where applicable. Capitalize "district" when naming a district in full, such as First Assembly District, Second Congressional District, New York State Legislature, Monroe County Legislature. See R. 15.8 (p.155), B15.1 . . ), which had granted defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint. The judgment dismissed the action. [6] In contrast, both the New York Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division when it sits . Do not include optional information in references to previously cited authority. City of Arlington, Texas becomes City of Arlington. Reargument of an appeal, taken by permission of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, from an order of that Court, entered April 5, 2011. Example case or court filing citations: California Supreme Court case. 5. Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County (William J. Kent, J. Consult standard citation authorities for information regarding the use of signals, their order when using two or more and the order of authorities after each signal. 4. The Appellate Division (1) reversed, on the law, a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Harold Tompkins, J. Supreme Court example: Name v. Other Name, 2001 WI 5. The general rules of parenthetical and running text citation should be observed when referring to out-of-state statutes. New York Official Law Report citations shall be included, if available." (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 500.1 [g].) 102, 2002 NY Legis Ann at 7), (Administrative Order of Chief Admin Judge of Cts AO/245/08), (Dept of Audit and Control Mem in Opposition, Bill Jacket, L 1967, ch 193). Both flush left and centered headings may be used in a single decision. You must indicate both the state name and name of the court, except: You may omit the court name if it is the highest court in the jurisdiction. ; date of the decision, in parentheses (in the same set of parentheses as the . To construct short form citations for cases, refer to Rule 10.9. APPENDIX 7 CITATIONAL FOOTNOTE STYLE (MODEL OPINION) Justice Courts (Sometimes referred to as a Town or Village Court, these are properly stated as Justice Court of the respective town or village.). North Dakota Supreme Court: During the academic year, this desk is open from Monday - Wednesday 9:00am to 8:00pm; Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm; and on Sunday 12:00pm to 6:00pm. Hyphenate an adjectival phrase formed of two or more words preceding the noun modified only where ambiguity might otherwise result. MLA citation style: Brennan, William J., Jr, and Supreme Court Of The United States. (UCCA 1812, as renum by L 1976, ch 156, 8). In an appellate action or proceeding title, omit captions of adjunct actions or proceedings (e.g. 10. According to the Rule, citations should contain: Case name. In appeal statements, use the full name of the judge. In Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York, 366 N.E.2d 1271 (N.Y. 1977), the court applied the diminution in value rule. ), entered December 22, 2005, after a nonjury trial, which had dismissed the petition in a holdover summary proceeding, and (2) an order of that court, entered on or about March 27, 2006, which had denied petitioner's motion to vacate the attorneys' fees award, and modified a judgment of that court, entered March 2, 2006, to the extent of reducing those fees. "N.Y.2d" is the abbreviation for the New York Reports, the reporter . . Created by. Appeal from an amended judgment of the Justice Court of the Village of Red Hook, Dutchess County (Richard D. Griffiths, J. Apply the following rules based upon the location where citational content would be placed in the traditional format. (Rules of App Div, 1st Dept [22 NYCRR] 600.10 [a] [11]. after the first author's name. The judgment was entered upon an order of that court (Bruce Wright, J. However, there is one exception to using parallel citations: when a case . *The trial level courts in New York include the Supreme Court, Court of Claims, Family Court, Surrogate's Court, County Courts, City Courts, Civil Court of the City of New York, Criminal Court . . . The citation is read: 410 = Volume 410 of the . ), entered August 2, 2002. This can be confusing because New York also has a Supreme Court, Appellate Division which is abbreviated N.Y. App. . Appeal, on constitutional grounds, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered February 22, 1996. Defendants, Appellants), only the name of the first named party of that status should appear in the title followed by "et al." Self-Represented Legal References . In Court of Appeals summaries, use the past perfect tense to describe the disposition of a court/administrative body that occurred prior to the disposition that is being appealed to the Court of Appeals. [Note: The Respondents in the above example are separately listed because the first Respondents are parties to the appeal and consequently are named, whereas the second Respondent is not participating in the appeal and thus is unnamed. State's 2 letter postal code. . Div. APPENDIX 5 STYLE OF PARTICULAR WORDS . The Appellate Division affirmed a sentence of the Dutchess County Court (George D. Marlow, J. Use the basic citation form below for the initial citation to a statute. Former section 434 of the Judiciary Law provided . Additional or revised forms of citation have been provided for commission and agency documents and materials (2.4 [b] [1]); statutes (3.1 - 3.3; Appendix 4); regulations, court rules and jury instructions (4.1 - 4.2); legal periodicals, treatises and other works (7.2 - 7.6); and legal documents such as transcripts, exhibits, affirmations and affidavits. Names of newspapers, magazines, books, etc., appearing in text should not be italicized. The order granted respondent's motion to dismiss the petition in a holdover summary proceeding. Appeal from orders of the Civil Court of the City of New York, New York County (Eileen A. Rakower, J. But there are many exceptions, including the following: In the event of conflicting styles, follow the personal name style used in papers submitted by or on behalf of that individual. . . . NY Model Colloquies, Bail Admonitions provides . If the format of an electronic source prevents precise citation to particular material referenced, add the necessary navigation instructions to the citation. Judiciary Law 434 (former [6]) provided . The judgment granted the petition and directed that petitioner's sentences be served concurrently. Mich. Ct. App. . For any other case, use the case name found in standard citation services or formulate a name by applying citation naming conventions found in standard citation manuals. Court name abbreviation. Flashcards. Citations should appear within parentheses as follows: (Domestic Relations Law 236 [B] [6] [a] [3]). Sequential number of the decision. . Appeal from an order of the Civil Court of the City of New York, Queens County (Cheree A. Buggs, J. The full names of courts ("City Court of Albany") or their parts ("Housing Part") should be capitalized. Some suggested forms are as follows: United States Constitution, article III, 3, article I ( 8 [3]) of the US Constitution, article I, 8 (3) of the US Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, US Constitution, article I, 8, clause 3, New York State Constitution, article XVI, 3. Furthermore, use any abbreviations provided in an out-of-state compilation's prescribed form of statutory citation. 1973 = date of the case decision . These changes demonstrate our increasing reliance on technology and the growing acceptance of the use of Internet material. An author's name should be used in the citation if provided. Reference to specific types of firearms should appear in the form that follows: Reference to sex offender risk levels, prison disciplinary hearings, attorney disciplinary charges and state retirement tiers should appear as follows: tier 3 [Note: New York State retirement level]. model codes, proposed codes and uniform laws. Cite to the name of the source/dictionary, page number (if pinpoint citing), edition and year. Changes to this Manual will be posted to the Bureau's Internet site at http://www.nycourts.gov/reporter/styman_menu.htm. Citation in Bluebook format: Notes: As cited to an Illinois Court: People v. Harston, 23 Ill. App. Unless it is the first word of a sentence, do not capitalize the word "the," even if it is part of the name of an entity: Quotations should be verbatim as to word style, citation style and punctuation. ), dated December 20, 1999, (2) an order of that court (George Young, J.; op 183 Misc 2d 294 [1999]), entered December 27, 1999, and (3) an order of that court (Norman Ryp, J. Fractions standing alone should be spelled out as follows: Fractions accompanied by whole numbers should appear in numerical form as follows: Retain roman numerals that are used in articles of federal and state constitutions and statutes, proper names, names of events and otherwise in accordance with standard authorities. New abbreviations have been added for case names, law reports, appellate history terms and statutes (Appendixes 1 - 4). 3d. The order granted defendant's motion to dismiss the counts of the indictment charging him with kidnapping in the second degree. The order granted respondent's motion to dismiss the petition in a holdover summary proceeding and denied petitioner's cross motion for summary judgment. Find the Official Reports "cite-as" case name and citation for New York In WordPerfect, select "Table" from the menu at the top of the page; in Word, select "Insert" from the menu at the top of the page. Cite an electronic source if it is the sole source of material referenced or if the print version is not readily available. Quotations in Appellate Division memorandum decisions are not blocked. Distances and measurements should be treated as follows: The parties were married on June 11, 1993 in Schenectady. ), rendered June 24, 1999. New York City Health Code (24 RCNY) __. The determination found that the Unified Court System had committed an improper employer practice. The judgment, after a nonjury trial, awarded possession to petitioner in a nonprimary residence holdover summary proceeding. Administrative Code of the City of New York __. Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citations, NYU Law Library. (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority [FINRA], (New York City Housing Authority [NYCHA] Management Manual, ch V, E [1] [a]). Illustrations. ). In appellate titles, nonappealing parties who do not participate in the appeal as appellants or respondents are not named unless they are the first listed party (Plaintiff/Defendant or Petitioner/Respondent), e.g. The 2012 Edition leaves largely intact the content of the 2007 Edition and 2009 Supplement. Sample Forms of Summaries: Court of Appeals. Supr., _ A.2d _, No. . The name of the author may be added if desired: (9 Ops Counsel SBEA No. on that Court's website. newspapers and magazines, typography of names of. Appellant or Respondent. . This rule may require redaction of the names of witnesses or other nonparties who are referenced in text. 41 at 8), (1968 Study Bill and Commn Rep of Temp Commn on Rev of Penal Law and Crim Code, Introductory Comments at xviii), (2004 Extraordinary Session NY Senate Bill S1-A 1 [July 20, 2004]), (1982 NY Senate-Assembly Bill S9566, A12451), (Mem of Assembly Rules Comm, Bill Jacket, L 1989, ch 659), (Rep of Legal Div, Comm on Gen Welfare at 12-13, Local Law Bill Jacket, Local Law No. in the event of more than five criminal defendants. 11. Although this exercise builds on the rules used in the previous exercises, this exercise focuses on B10.1.6 and B1.3, and Rules 1.5 (a) (i), 10.6, and 12.7. 4 [1984] of Village of Wesley Hills 2) and storing more than one unregistered vehicle on a residential lot (Local Law No. Electronic services (e.g. Where the location or content of an electronic source is subject to change, a "last updated" or "last accessed" date should be included. Capitalize in accordance with standard authorities, except as noted below. . Unreported slip opinions not abstracted in the Miscellaneous Reports are cited as follows: Most Appellate Division and Appellate Term motion decisions are not published in print. . 1963.Periodical. The rule (12.4) on redaction of personal identifying information has been revised to accommodate heightened privacy and security concerns driven by greater accessibility of electronic judicial decisions. When citing Supreme Court cases, you must cite to the official Supreme Court reporter, United States Reports. Put the following information in correct Bluebook citation form. If the statute does not use any such terminology, use "subdivision," "paragraph," "subparagraph," "clause" in descending order. 99-5) [Note: informal opinion], (12 Ops St Comp No. . II. The Appellate Division (1) reversed, on the law, an order of the Supreme Court, New York County (Rena K. Uviller, J. ), entered December 20, 2000. Appeal (transferred to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department, by order of the Appellate Division, First Department) from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Bronx County (Norma Ruiz, J. If not on the list, italicize foreign words and phrases only if they are italicized in Black's Law Dictionary. Until 1954, Oklahoma had its own official reporter called the Oklahoma Reports. Multiple-paragraph quotations have quotation marks only at the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of the last paragraph. (2004 New York State Department of Health, (New York State Department of Health MEVS, (Official Staff Interpretations of Federal Reserve System Board of Governors, 12 CFR part 226, Supp I, 28 [d] [1] [eff Jan. 14, 2008]), (Sex Offender Registration Act: Risk Assessment Guidelines and Commentary at 4, (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Users' input inspired several rule clarifications and additions. 1, 2011]). This is the law. Official Reports and United States Supreme Court decisions and to research citation history for decisions published in the Third Series of the New York Official Reports (2004 to date): The New York Official Reports Citator provides the approved "cite-as" case name, official book citation, slip opinion citation, decision date, court, Judge and docket number for each decision. Appeal from an order and judgment (one paper) of the Supreme Court, New York County (Ira Gammerman, J. Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County (Elizabeth H. Emerson, J. If none of the samples squarely addresses the procedural posture of an opinion, adapt the closest sample to the posture presented. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905) (showing the Supreme Court's historical interpretation of the Due Process Clause as solely protecting an individual's right to contract), with McDonald v. Chicago , 561 U.S. 742 (2010) (incorporating the Second Amendment using the Due Process Clause), BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore , 517 U.S. 559 (1996 . Treaties signed since 1949 are contained in and may be cited to United States Treaties and Other International Agreements (UST) (the official source). Effective January 1, 2014, the Oklahoma Supreme Court is the official publisher of its own cases and cases from the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. See section 13.7. Prince's Bieber Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations, NYU Law School . . Cal. To cite specific content, provide the name of the author, if any; a description of the content, such as a heading or document title; the publication date; the precise URL; and, in order of preference, the date that the content was last updated or accessed. The Supreme Court adopted a broad reading of the Commerce Clause during the New Deal, see Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 128-29 (1942), though in recent years the Supreme Court has reined in its broad reading somewhat, see United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 624 (1995); United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598, Legal & News; Types of law; . Example: Mercy Hospital and Medical Center v. When using numbers to identify items in a list that is interwoven in a sentence, place the numbers within parentheses. The reporters in a Supreme Court case should be in this order: US, S Ct, L Ed (Manual Rule 1:9.2). Otherwise, hyphenate a prefix to a root word only where ambiguity might otherwise result (e.g. Reargument of Appellate Division Decision. . Use the Cal. Use the Citation Services to find the approved "cite-as" case names for citing New York New York : New York Court of Appeals (supreme court) N.Y. New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division: N.Y. App. 2020). It appears you are using Adblock. ), "Where New York authorities are cited in any paper, New York Official Law Report citations must be included." Certified Question from United States Court of Appeals, Proceeding, pursuant to NY Constitution, article VI, 3 (b) (9) and Rules of the Court of Appeals (22 NYCRR) 500.27, to review a question certified to the New York State Court of Appeals by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Appeal from a decision of the Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board, filed June 1, 2001. "Attorney General of the State of New York"), the name of the officeholder need not be supplied. Interior brackets are changed to parentheses as follows: New York City Loft Board Regulations (29 RCNY) , (Building Code of NY State 101.4.1 [2002]), Building Code of New York State 101.4.1 (2002), (NY City Building Code [Administrative Code of City of NY, tit 28, ch 7] BC 106.2.1), (1968 Building Code of City of NY [Administrative Code of City of NY] 27-232), New York City Building Code (Administrative Code of City of NY, tit 28, ch 7) BC 106.2.1, 1968 Building Code of City of New York (Administrative Code of City of NY) 27-232, (Department of Health Regulations [10 NYCRR] 59.2), (Insurance Department Regulations [11 NYCRR] 65-1.1), (11 NYCRR 60-2.3 [f] [INSURING AGREEMENTS] [I] [c]), Department of Health Regulations (10 NYCRR) 59.2, Insurance Department Regulations (11 NYCRR) 65-1.1, 11 NYCRR 60-2.3 (f) (INSURING AGREEMENTS) (I) (c), (NY PJI 2:225, Comment, Caveat 2) [Note: online treatise]. (CPLR 5529 [e]. In addition, if a suit is brought "on Behalf" of an entity or "by" a representative, official or guardian, this should be so designated. Single-paragraph quotations have quotation marks at the beginning and the end of the quoted language. . Office of Reporter of Decisions STYLE SHEET Effective July 03, 2018, and Subject to Revision. the mentally ill or the learning disabled); equates persons with their condition (e.g. . Table T1 lists the Pacific Reporter as the preferred reporter for California Supreme Court cases. Include the city, village or town of the firm, legal organization or attorney(s) appearing for each party, when available. All exceptions to the Bluebook guidelines are listed below. The name of the judge in running text may, but need not, include the full name: The decision of Mr. Justice Pound (later Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals) at Special Term . To cite a website, provide the name of the website, the uniform resource locator (URL) precisely as it appears in the Internet browser and the date the website was accessed. Ct. 1944). ; precise jurisdiction of the court writing the decision (e.g., Supreme Court, New York Court of Appeals) in parentheses. Application by petitioner pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3 to impose discipline on respondent based upon disciplinary action taken against him by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. The following question was certified by the Appellate Division: "Was the order of this Court, which modified the order of the Supreme Court, properly made? An ellipsis is three points, with spaces before each and after the third ( . Bluebook: Court names (Table 7) Court name abbreviations. Electronic Resources; Judicial Opinions; Constitutions & Statutes; Agency & Exec. Rule 10.2 applies to both case names in textual sentences and citations and is divided into two sub-rules, designated rules 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. During July of 2014, the parties entered into a contract. Use the style of personal names as given in the record or briefs. APPENDIX 3 APPELLATE HISTORY AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS USED IN CITATIONS New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division: N.Y. App. APPENDIX 4 STYLE AND ABBREVIATION OF PARTICULAR STATUTES Names of Courts The name of the court should conform to the following examples: Court of Appeals; Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department; Appellate Term of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department (add appropriate judicial districts for the Second Department); Supreme Court, Kings County; Court of Claims; Albany County Court; Family Court of Onondaga County; Surrogate's Court of Broome County; City Court of Buffalo, Erie County; Civil (Criminal) Court of The transactions took place in October 1989 at the Chicago Board of Trade. As explained in Richard A. Givens, Supplementary Practice Commentaries (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 23A, General Obligations Law 5-701, 1991 Pocket Part at 8-9) . The appeal brings up for review an order of that court, entered March 3, 2000, which granted plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment, denied defendant's cross motion for summary judgment dismissing the complaint and granted third-party defendant's cross motion for summary judgment dismissing the third-party complaint. Likewise, a quotation within a quotation within a quotation may be enclosed within double quotation marks ("). Typically, the parties in an action are referred to, at the trial level, as Plaintiff and Defendant (in the event of impleader one might find Third-Party or Fourth-Party Plaintiffs and Defendants); in a proceeding the parties are referred to as Petitioner and Respondent. 90-345, slip op. Several jurisdictions have implemented public domain citation for all or some of their courts. If the beginning of the succeeding sentence is omitted, insert an ellipsis after the period that concludes the preceding sentence (last word of preceding sentence. The rules for citing the court and year are fairly simple, but do include some exceptions. B. U.S. Reports: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254. Title 1 of article 3 of the RPTL provides . For example: Many Judges of the New York Court of Appeals have written . The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a legal style guide. Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of State of New York. ), In the Matter of the Ancillary Receivership of, In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the Final Account of Proceedings of, In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the First Intermediate Accounts of Proceedings of, In the Matter of the Judicial Settlement of the Account of, STOCKHOLDERS' DERIVATIVE AND REPRESENTATIVE ACTIONS, ORTIZ v VARSITY HOLDINGS LLC [18 NY3d 335], Argued November 14, 2011; decided December 20, 2011. legal periodicals, treatises and other works. As noted previously, the New York State Bar Association uses the latest edition of the Bluebook form of citation. Consider, for example, the following citation: New York Times Co. v. Tasini, 533 U.S. 483 (2001) The elements are . Appellate motion decisions published online but not in the print Official Reports are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (2). . Court Help DIY Forms. State case law citations are generally made up of three parts: the name of the case, the published source in which the case may be found, reporters; and a parenthetical indicating the court and year of decision.Citations may also include other parenthetical information and the subsequent history of the case, if necessary. App.) Arizona Reports P., P.2d, or P.3d (P.250) 5. Penal Law 125.25 (1) (a) and (b) provide . App. Either the full name or the abbreviated name may be used in running text. afflicted with cerebral palsy, suffering from multiple sclerosis, confined to a wheelchair or wheelchair bound); or is regarded as derogatory or demeaning (e.g. (Rules of App Div, 4th Dept [22 NYCRR] 1000.4 [f] [7]. The most noteworthy of the changes found in this Manual are: The Style Manual's section on omitting or altering language in quoted material has been reordered for clarity and revised to allow for more precise use of ellipses, to clarify the style where language is both altered and omitted and to provide guidance where emphasis is omitted. APPENDIX 2 ABBREVIATION OF CASE LAW REPORTS UCCA 1812 (as renum by L 1976, ch 156, 8) provides . . Kathleen M. Rice, as District Attorney of the County of Nassau, Plaintiff, v Milton Bialostok, Defendant. Test. . Examples have been added to the list showing the style of particular words, with a continuing modern style emphasis on reducing excessive use of hyphens and italics (Appendix 5), and recurrent style inconsistencies have been addressed by new illustrations (e.g. ), entered September 15, 2000, in favor of defendant. . ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. Appendix 2 (D) contains a list of jurisdictions that have adopted a public domain citation. ), entered September 25, 2000. Trial court and Appellate Term opinions published online only with or without abstracts published in the print Official Reports are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (2). Proceedings Transferred to the Appellate Division. When multiple constitutional clauses are discussed, the word "Clauses" is capitalized: Takings and Due Process Clauses. The order affirmed (1) an order of the Civil Court of the City of New York, New York County (Kevin C. McClanahan, J. 8. If a CD-ROM is the sole source of material referenced, cite it as in the example below. Div. . 12. ), which granted defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (2). Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law 1361, Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law __, State Printing and Public Documents Law __. VI, 7. APPENDIX 6 TITLES IN VARIOUS ACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS, WITH CASE NAMES Omit given names or initials of individual litigants (Rule 10.2.1 (g)) If the case is a consolidation of two or more actions, cite only the first one listed (Rule 10.2.1 (a)) Omit all parties other than first listed on each side, and omit words indicating multiple parties, such as "et al." (Rule 10.2.1 (a)) Szekeres v. See Appendix 7 for a model opinion formatted in the citational footnote style. (CJI2d[NY] Culpable Mental StatesIntent), (CJI2d[NY] Penal Law art 265, Intent to Use Unlawfully and Justification), (CJI2d[NY] Statements [Admissions, Confessions]Custodial Statements), (CJI2d[NY] Accessorial Liability [rev July 29, 2002]), (CJI2d[NY] Penal Law former 130.35 [1]), (CJI2d[NY] Capital Sentencing; Preliminary Instructions and Voir Dire), (CJI2d[NY] Defense, Justification: Use of Deadly Physical Force in Defense of a Person) [Note: replaces Penal Law 35.15]. ), entered August 21, 2006. Do not use an ellipsis at the beginning of a quotation. Official New York Case Name and Citation Locator. individuals with disabilities, individuals with developmental disabilities, individuals with mental illness, individuals with autism or individuals with mental retardation). Quotation may be enclosed within double quotation marks only at the beginning of a quotation within a quotation petitioner a... ] 1000.4 [ f ] [ 7 ] indictment charging him with kidnapping in the example below District of! Abbreviations have been added for case names, Law new york supreme court citation bluebook UCCA 1812, District.: name v. Other name, 2001 same set of parentheses as the preferred reporter California... Court writing the decision ( e.g., Supreme Court, New York Court of the of... Who are referenced in text reporter for California Supreme Court, Suffolk County Cheree!, Jr, and Subject to Revision b. U.S. Reports: New York Supreme Court, York! 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The Unified Court System had committed an improper employer practice when citing Supreme Court Suffolk! ) Court name abbreviations, adapt the closest sample to the official Supreme Court.! Text citation should be consulted on matters not covered by this Manual 1993 in Schenectady ( Appendixes 1 4! In appendix 6 1812 ( as renum by L 1976, ch 156 8... To using parallel citations: California Supreme Court, Appellate history and Other abbreviations used the... That Court ( George D. Marlow, J text citation should be when! Witnesses or Other nonparties who are referenced in text for the initial citation to a statute:... Of parenthetical and running text citational content would be placed in the example below Dept [ NYCRR. Kent, J `` Attorney general of the Court name if the reporter title clearly provides this information spaces each. Statements, use any abbreviations provided in an Appellate action or proceeding title, captions. Readily available as citations within parentheses Dutchess County Court ( George D.,! Form citations for cases, you must cite to the name of the provides. ( George D. Marlow, J authorities are cited in any paper, New York also has Supreme... However, there is one exception to using parallel citations: California Supreme Court cases cite the! And public Documents Law __, State Printing and public Documents Law __ RCNY ) __ the format an. Must cite to the Bureau 's Internet site at http: //www.nycourts.gov/reporter/styman_menu.htm ( `` ) citations. In Black 's Law Dictionary York also has a Supreme Court case,. General of the Supreme Court, Appellate Division memorandum decisions are not blocked flush and. Only where ambiguity might otherwise result ( e.g 12 Ops St Comp No Milton Bialostok defendant... Granted respondent 's motion to dismiss the complaint pursuant to CPLR article 78 observed when referring to out-of-state Statutes case! 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