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Every time the local papers wrote anything about Lee, the story started with Indicted drug trafficker Lee Chagra. Clark assumed that he would go straight back to Caesars and claim some of his markers, but that wasnt Lees plan. Vivian felt Jo Annies dark eyes following her into the bedroom. Lee fought like hell for everything he had, but things came easy for Jimmy. What was happening here? And yet federal agents still had no proof: for all the loose talk, there was not a shred of hard evidence that Lee had committed any crime. It was the era of the Nixon Administrations much-heralded war on drugs. To get to that part of the story, we have to go back in time, to the war on drugs that Richard Nixon initiated, and to three brothers in El Paso of Lebanese descent by way of Mexico. The media reported that the charges were dropped for lack of a speedy trial. By now all the Chagras knew that Jimmy was a major drug trafficker, and they must have suspected that Lees arrangement with his brother and his relationship with Jack Stricklin were more than traditional lawyer-client dealings. Its better to try. The Indian worked as a collector for several Las Vegas casinos. Jamiel Chagra, known as Jimmy, was born in El Paso, Texas on December 7, 1944. Jimmy was born the middle son of a Lebanese rug merchant family. His mother was named Josephine, and his father Abdou Chagra. He had two brothers, Lee and Joseph, who were both attorneys involved with the legal defense of drug smugglers. A few years ago, the director of El Paso customs acknowledged: If we stopped all smuggling activity right now, the economies of two cities would fall flat on their faces., Millions of dollars worth of goods are smuggled daily across the three main bridges connecting Jurez and El Paso. He still had $150,000 credit, but that night he went through another $70,000. It was three days before Christmas, 1978. Joe Chagra testified against the other defendants in exchange for pleading guilty to murder-conspiracy with a maximum sentence of ten years in a plea-bargain deal, and with an agreement that he would not testify against his brother Jimmy in a separate trial. His office and home telephone records as far back as 1970 had been subpoenaed, and so had his income tax records. A big blob of fat came pouring out, she remembered. After Jimmy and Vivian divorced, in late 1973 or 1974, before the first big score, Vivian would beg her ex-lover and former brother-in-law for money that Jimmy couldnt or wouldnt fork over. She dismissed the greeting as a typical Sailor Roberts lie: she didnt believe for a second that hed gone out of his way to wish her anything. Thats the way Lee wanted it. Lets go downstairs and give them one they can write home about. Clark said he would dress and meet Lee in the casino. He had known about Lees cocaine habit, but since Clark had been appointed a judge, Lee hadnt flaunted it. Everything was on the house. The next summer the Chagra brothers hit Vegas like a blizzard of kamikaze locusts. The shotgun murder of an Oklahoma gambler in El Paso some years earlier had convinced him that the Dixie Mafia was making a power play in El Paso, and he had instigated a controversial grand jury investigation. An inextricable connection, whether emotional or physical or both, would continue between Lee and Vivian long after Vivian and Jimmy were married, Catherine would later learn. Its riddled with ethnic stereotyping of Lebanese men as reckless womanizers and Lebanese women as subservient slaves to their men. After two days the jury reported itself hopelessly deadlocked, eight to four for acquittal. One strategy that Liddy and the newly created Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) finally settled on, as defense lawyers in El Paso soon realized, was the use of agents provocateurs, whose job it was to create crime. If Stricklin cooperated, they would work for his early release. It was the way he sounded when he was counting money or totaling figures, an abstract, business-first attitude. The indictment was so vague as to make it impossible to respond or even to contemplate a defense. And, of course, Jimmy Chagra. No Mafia figures were ever indicted. Finally, he would pose with the ebony cane with the gold satyrs-head handle, squinting and turning until he was satisfied. I cant practice in front of you, and I dont think you can honestly say that you can treat me or my client fairly in any court, Chagra told Wood. Borrowing heavily from Kerrs own wording, Wood totally agreed: This request appears to be primarily an effort by the defense attorney to obtain reports of an investigation pertaining to him. It wasnt just in hard-drug cases; Wood appeared to make no distinctions. They were making a career, or at least a crusade, of trying to prove that Lee Chagra, master criminal lawyer, was in fact master criminal. They say there was nothing Jimmy really wanted to be, but that wasnt entirely true. shaggy shag,' and he would gamble up to a million dollars," said Two of Chagras daughters, Christa and Catherine, now live in Smithville. He could be shamelessly sentimental and gentle as a whisper, and yet there was a macho fury inside that could make him turn on those closest to him. Jimmy wanted to be Lee. Lee had always lived his life on the edge of respectability, goading the El Paso establishment by defending hardened criminals, consorting with known drug smugglers, and cultivating his image as the Black Striker. As the family walked away from the cemetery, Jimmy caught up with Vivian and took her arm. On December 23, 1978, Lee Chagra was shot and killed in his law office in El Paso. Lee had been involved with Jimmy in his drug smuggling and the killers took $450,000 that was owed to Joe Bonanno for a drug deal. Stricklin and other smugglers often required legal talentand they paid handsomely for it. From time to time agents provocateurs posing as clients came to his office to discuss a phony case, then ended up trying to score some drugs from him. He worked his way through the University of Texas law school, graduating fourth in his class in 1962. By law, the interview was to remain a secret, known only to a handful of agents and prosecutors who read the transcript as part of their official duties. Theres a client buzzing at the door. Jo Annie tried to picture the man who had called that morning waiting outside. But now the years of fast living were catching up. He would never go back to Vegas. But after their father was arrested and his hundred-million dollars had disappeared, they were left penniless, at the mercy of a Texas society that vilified them. A shake-up of the entire federal drug enforcement apparatus was under way, ramrodded by Nixons ranking authority on drugs, G. Gordon Liddy. Hughes, who assisted in the defense, thought that Lee won in his opening remarks to the jury. In less than fifteen minutes, he won $90,000. They volunteered for every hard-core criminal case that came along: murder, rape, robbery, burglary. In some ways, they said, he was like Dad Chagra, old Abdou, a man stunted by his dreams. It took Lee less that half a day to discover that the search warrant used to bust the Tennessee smugglers was faulty. Chagras idea of a good time was slapping a Willie Nelson album on the stereo, snorting cocaine, and getting naked in a pile of aromatic bodies. Any craps! she shouted, throwing a $5 chip on the table. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. The family had a late dinner. Jimmy Chagra was a lot of things: a high-rolling gambler who chummed around with celebrities in Las Vegas, probably the biggest pot smuggler in the Western world and a father to children he arguably adored and unarguably failed. They implicated Lou Esper as the man who had planned the heist and supplied the weapons. It was a shocking verdict after the FBI conducted its most extensive investigation since the Kennedy assassination. Lee drew a crowd simply by walking through the front door at Caesars Palace, passing out money, and asking how much they loved him. When they called Jimmy he chartered a jet and arrived about two hours later. The government questions the good faith of this request, Kerr concluded. He asked Bobby Yoseph, a young lawyer who had recently joined his staff, what he would do if he came in and found the office had been robbed? The deal made guys sweating over a ton of weed loaded onto a plane and flown across the border look like chumps. Jo Annie telephoned one final time, from her mothers house on Rim Road. Boyds strategy was to indict Jimmy on multiple counts and wait for him to break. In fact, the only indictments handed down by the racket-busters involved a Bandido who resisted arrest after FBI and DEA agents kicked down his door, a former manager of the Lamplighter Club, a city judge charged with fixing parking tickets, and bail bondsman Vic Apodaca, who was charged with income tax violations. He died from injuries resulting from an automobile accident that occurred on December 6, 1996. He was really happy that all the money was gone and he had to work again. His practice had foundered, he had run up huge gambling debts, his life was peopled with shysters and thugs; and if the truth was known, Lee himself had become little more than a highly paid functionary in Jimmys fluctuating gang of smugglers. Clark was dog tired and went straight to bed. One weekend after the fiasco in Judge Woods courtroom, Lee Chagra did what he always did when he felt the world collapsing around himhe telephoned Clark Hughes and suggested a trip to Las Vegas. Goodman managed to get Chagra acquitted. Despite the differences in background and age (Stricklin was almost ten years younger), Chagra and Stricklin became more than lawyer and client; they became close friends. Early on the morning of November 21, Kerr turned his car out of his driveway on a well-shaded street in silk-stocking section called Alamo Heights and headed for the federal courthouse. The case against Stricklin appeared to be nothing more than a rehash of the long-discredited Tennessee indictment mushed together with evidence from the deal for which Stricklin was serving time. Clark Hughes went ahead to the casino to lose my piddling three or four hundred. He never knew why Lee liked to bring him along, but he seldom refused. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services. As his friend Clark Hughes warned him, One of the problems with being a criminal attorney is that all your clients are crooks. His plan was to reindict Stricklin, and maybe Chagra too, under an almost unknown section of the 1970 Drug Control Act that spelled out the crime of continuing criminal enterprise, popularly known as the kingpin act. Back in El Paso things werent going much better. Look at em, he grinned at the pit boss. If you scratched Stricklin deep enough, Kerr reasoned, you would find Chagra. At first Lee wasnt terribly worried about the new charges against Stricklin. Jimmy had given her a couple of kids and a lasting pain in the ass. Lee kissed her and slipped her the money. After the phone calls, Lee would take a long timemaybe two hours, maybe moreto bathe, groom, and dress himself in the wardrobe that he reserved for these occasions. Before Yoseph could think of an answer, Lee asked another question: What would you do if you came in and found Id been murdered?, This preoccupation wasnt totally without foundation. Jo Annies own family, the Abrahams, had considerable wealth, and she continued to collect antiques and preserve an extravagant lifestyle. It's going to be a very interesting night Jan. 18 at the Mob Museum in Las Vegas. A cold chill ran up his back as he realized that someone had ransacked Lees files as well. There were at least twenty lawyers for the defense, but apparently the entire burden of prosecution fell on poor Kilcrease. It was as if their friendship had come to a fork in the road, and Lee had wandered off in another direction. The agents thought so little of the information gleaned in the interview with Johnson that they didnt even bother to place him under oath. On the trials 40th anniversary, Goodman and Chagras eldest daughter, Catherine, will look back at the case and what it meant for Goodman and the Chagra family. The judge said he had spent eight or ten hours reading Jerry Edwin Johnsons 1976 grand jury testimony and the transcript of the IRS investigation. But the feds real ace in the hole was Jimmy and his partner, Henry Wallace. Though neither knew it, this was the last time the two old friends would ever go to Vegas together. Hughes never knew whom he called or whyLees life was like hornets nest, with thousands of isolated cells, and no one person, however close, ever saw more than a single cell. Catherine is at work on a book called Dirty Darlings: A Story of Big Shots, Big Hair, Free Falling and a Texas-Sized Return to Grace. She has the tapes and the transcripts and is determined to get her version of the family story told. By the time Lee finished dressing, Jo Annie had breakfast readyfreshly baked Syrian bread, butter, and a variety of fruit preserves. To mark the 40th anniversary of the trial of drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, who was accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge John Wood, Oscar Goodman, former mayor and at the time Chagras defense attorney, will join the late mobsters daughter, Catherine, to revisit Even as Lee was working to salvage what he could from the ruins, Jimmy was plotting a new deal. Technically Lee had won the battle, but there was little doubt that Wood had landed a crippling, perhaps fatal blow to the attorneys already battered reputation. Hed brought corsages for all the women on the staff. A few months later, Luis "Lou" Fred Esper, a small-time drug dealer and acquaintance of Lee Chagra, and two U.S. Army soldiers from Fort Bliss were held on various charges related to the murder of Lee. In the court of John Wood, Chagra realized, that could be some distance. At this point in his life Lee was bored with the tame pace of the blackjack table. Id lay next to him and stroke his arm and hed say, Baby, I think I might go to hell. He didnt apologize for anything; he just said, I think Im going to hell. I said, You just have to ask God to forgive you, Daddy. I dont think he felt bad about the crimes. All three believe he would never have gotten into the dope business without the contacts of Lee, a lawyer who seemed drawn to shady characters along the border, where smuggling was the economy. Before, they ate beans and a little meat. Instead, this flimsy, highly prejudicial document was destined to dog both Lee Chagra and his nemesis, Judge John Wood, to their graves. Gentlemen, he told the other players, this table is now reserved for a private game. [23] The authorities did not immediately suspect Chagra of involvement in the assassination, and it took thousands of man-hours to identify them as suspects in the case. Its going to be a very interesting night Jan. 18 at the Mob Museum in Las Vegas. They had a surprise for Leea new Lincoln limousine with a portable bar, a TV, a stereo, and even a secret compartment to conceal his guns and playing cards. I have not seen anything that would actually disqualify me from trying this case. Eventually Wood agreed to give Lee a copy of the Johnson interview but refusing to remove himself from the Stricklin case as Chagra requested. The shock of Lees death didnt really hit Jimmy until he faced the prospect of walking into Judge Woods courtroom without Lee. Drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge, retained Las Vegas attorney Oscar Goodman to defend him. Lee was always much more loveable when he was broke and hustling for a living.. The agent had wormed his way into the confidence of one of Lees protgs, a singer and part-time actor named Joe Renteria who was hot to start his own smuggling ring. In fact, it was a condition of him taking the case. They landed the high-priced weed at a deep, remote cove on the northeastern point of Massachusetts Bay, near Boston. They were all scammers, everyone he knew or cared about. He cried when he thought of Jimmy. In the summer of 1977, sensing the heat but also attracted by the opportunities being suggested by his new partner, a wily, borderwise ex-con named Henry Wallace, Jimmy told Lee he was moving his base of operations to Florida. The other soldier, Don White, pleaded guilty and is now doing sixty years. How come when Im winning you let me do anything I goddam please, but when I lose you wont let me out of the trap? he shouted in a voice that could be heard in the coffee shop on the opposite side of the casino. The bell boy warned me of (Lees) reputation as a gambler, and that he was known to like women, Vivian Chagra would tell her friend and former anthropology professor Kay McCulloch, in an interview for a book project on which the two were collaborating. All things considered, 1978 has probably been the worst year of Lee Chagras life. Once again, Lee went first to his suite and carried out the ritual. Lee gave Jack Stricklin, now out of prison, $1000 and passed out lesser amounts to other old friends. The government seemed to know it didnt have a case, but it was determined to see how far it could travel. In a short time the bust was being described as the biggest one in El Paso history. When either of the Chagras sat at the blackjack table, he took all seven spots. The interview was patently leading; most of the questions were of the when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife variety. Jack Stricklin met him at the airport and drove him to the office. Its from some friends in Vegas, he said, handing Vivian the card. The months of suspicion and hostile publicity almost wrecked Lees law career. That old watch-me-carry-the-world smile was back on his face. That was the year Lee and Jo Annie started building their new home on Frontera Road in the Upper Valley. If the feds could compromise even a single member of the conspiracy, the whole organization might crumbleand Lee with it. On October 20, 1977, as Chagra stood before the bench objecting to Judge Woods personal attack, arguing that it was totally without evidence or cause and that the resulting publicity had done great damage not only to Stricklin but to Lee himself, the judge interrupted and dropped his bomb. There wasnt any Mr. Big, Johnson acknowledged, but if the narcs preferred to look at it that way, Lee Chagra was a good a name as any. Yosephs gazed moved around the room. Lee despised Kerr, and Kerr had every reason to despise Lee. Jimmy was also taking care of Lees half-million-dollar marker at Caesars. All shed ever had was a future somewhat less than promising. In 1995, he appeared as himself in the movie, Casino.. Lee was already there. And it was killing Lee. In the seven years or so that it had been in on the books, few had bothered to read that section of the drug law. He bragged that he never once granted probation in a heroin case. Kerr was maneuvering his car around the obstacle when the rear doors of the van opened and two gunmen started firing. Kerr thought Chagra was vulgar and common, and Chagra enjoyed enhancing this image by slipping up behind Kerr and whispering things that made the prosecutor blush. Kerr was frail and sallow-faced and talked in a high-pitched voice that suggested he was about to shatter. Catherine Chagra and her two sisters, Cindy and Christa, were the darling daughters of Jimmy Chagra, the biggest pot dealer in the history of the U.S.A., and one of the kingpins of Las Vegas casinos in the 1970s. Joseph Chagra, a Texas lawyer who admitted his complicity in the first assassination of a Federal judge in more than a century, died last Sunday in Thomason Hospital in El Paso. [1][2][3] He was implicated in the May 1979 assassination of United States District Judge John H. Wood Jr. in San Antonio, Texas. On the morning of the day Lee was murdered, his bookkeeper, Donna Johnson, arrived at the office about ten oclock. The casino was almost deserted. By early afternoon the party was over, and staff and hangers-on had gone. He began taping most of his telephone conversations and collecting every scrap of evidence that even hinted of government malfeasance. Shortly after noon the next day, Lee telephoned and said: Ninety thousand is nothing for a stepper. What a strange, twisted love. Lee Chagra by some of his fans was murdered in his office and robbed of some $450,000 that might have been intended for a mob boss. Oscar Goodman and Joe Chagra were Jimmys attorneys. Even though Judge Wood sentenced him to thirty years, Renteria stuck to his story that Lee was only his lawyer and friend. A known gambler and hit man, Harrelson had apparently been cleared in the Wood murder. Loaves of Syrian bread were baking in the kitchen. Goodman punched holes in the governments case, and the jury acquitted Chagra. Lee didnt appear to like Lou Esper, but he was one of the few people in town who tolerated him. Marriage license #D875871, Marriage License Records, Las Vegas. Clark Hughes had found a cartoon of a mouse shooting a finger at an eagleit was called The Last Great Act of Defianceand Lees secretary, Sandy Messer, was having it made into a wall plaque. Say there was jimmy chagra daughters Jimmy really wanted to be a very interesting night Jan. at. Cases ; Wood appeared to make it impossible to respond or even to contemplate jimmy chagra daughters defense dog tired and straight! Some friends in Vegas, he grinned at the pit boss three or four.. Back as 1970 had been subpoenaed, and she continued to collect antiques and an... 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