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Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, @jakebeal: I do not think its a duplicate. Please read this privacy notice before using Greenheart International websites or submitting any personal information. This means that you need to know less to pass an exam and you are considered with great results with much less than IT. The teachers are your friends, you can laugh with them, hang out with them during lunch, and talk about anything with them (well, most of them lol). However, age is not the only factor! However, it is often up to me to lead discussions and ask the students questions. In Italy, the teachers move classrooms not hte students. I would have loved to go home for lunch, too. Then its important to know about the size of the school facility itself: American school facilities are much larger than their Italian counterparts. During this period, the students deepen the various subjects studied in elementary school, and at the end of it, they must take the esame di terza media (middle school exam), composed by: This step lasts 5 years and involves 14 to 19 years old students, but from the age of 16 boys and girls have the possibility to abandon their studies. I dont like that aspect of school here, I think its fun to join clubs with your friends and have school dances and activities. In particular, in the required classes I teach, B definitely does, I don't get it. If you get everything correct on an exam you will get a 69% (happened to me). WebThe education system in Italy is divided into five main levels: preschool, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and university. Theres lots of handing in papers, they maintained, and what is written counts. Another thing about Italian teachers: They are crazy! This can happen by attending secondary school until completion, starting an apprenticeship, or taking professional courses. Oh, and you forgot about the artistic Liceo (it is considered a Liceo only because they do Latin). You wrote that to pass a class you have to get 4 or 5. Do you think a 16 year old student from america would do good in the Italian learning environment, or even just in the community? In Banfi, Italy, the primary and secondary school stages before going to high school are the same as the American education system: five years of elementary school and three years of middle school. Taking challenges is part of life. Even though you are scared and you think you will fail, you wont. Concerning the former, it does not seem to be the case in Italy. Therefore, a big different is that in Italy the teachers arent your friends. Rumberger, R. W., Student Mobility: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center, 2015. Jump Roping , Italian Coffee, Bike Riding, andScopa. My suggestion is to fuse primary and middle schools, establishing a unique course of studies of eight years. Your contribution will allow us to purchase equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs. Edit: I see that some people were upset but having studied in both countries I have a better understanding than most. Could you observe air-drag on an ISS spacewalk? All children are required to attend school from age six through How would we learn if we never made mistakes? Third cycle: its devoted to the most ambitious students and it includes: master: theyre usually short courses of study that offer the opportunity (to those who are interested) to deepen some specific aspects of the subject studied during the first two cycles. The students can choose among 3 types of di high schools, depending on their goals: Liceo: it offers a more theoretical education and more oriented to further education at the University and, depending on the subjects studied, they can be of different types: classico (grammar) (Latin, Greek and Italian), scientifico (scientific) (Mathematics, Physics and Science), linguistico (language) (English and foreign languages), tecnologico (technology) (Computer Science). Providing parents with the right to request access to or a copy of their childrens Personal Information. Hey, everyone! Unfortunately Italian students dont have funny classes such as drama class, photography class, PE or TA class and many others. Your donation will support the student journalists of Placer High School. https://www.hillmenmessenger.com/uncategorized/2011/11/02/italian-high-school-vs-american-high-school/#comment-8, I would like to remain anonymous. Thanks so much for the reply. Greenheart International cannot guarantee or warrant that the information that you transmit to us, or any communications is completely secure. i totalitarismi i agree with you, hello, it is true, there are many differences between the Italian and American schools, we follow rigid patterns and unfortunately not in step with the times. [If we had the opportunity to play sports at school], it would be much more comfortable and more convenient, said another student at Banfi. Why does removing 'const' on line 12 of this program stop the class from being instantiated? I would say it is equivalent to a 90% in the portuguese scale. Family information (e.g. Here are three of the biggest differences Ive noticed between Italian schools in Calabria and our schools in America. In the US, the teachers arent just their to teach, they are there to help the students understand what they are learning. The teachers are your friends, you can laugh with them, hang out with them during lunch, and talk about anything with them (well, most of them lol). In Italy, that is not the case. This solution will avoid the useless repetition of teaching. In Italy, that is not the case. I explain you why. I have survived! Also every school Ive seen so far has a gym. Its impossible to fail. Sadly, there is no multiple choice here! PE is obligatory in every school I know of around my area. I don't know if my step-son hates me, is scared of me, or likes me? My high school experience has been over for quite some time but I do remember it well. Wall shelves, hooks, other wall-mounted things, without drilling? Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? WebFacts about Schools in Italy; Education System in Italy; Facts about Schools in Italy. We use this information to make the best site possible for our users. Now, let's pretend for a moment that you just have to convert the vote in 110th, according to math you have: I want to remark again that the score is lower than it should, because you should add points for your graduation. The comparisons are endless between all countries education systems, but each country has one thing in common: striving for a better education for each student. We do not intend to collect Personal Information from children aged 13 or younger. I like it, but it is definitely weird for me, having hundreds of kids every week just staring at me while I speak. In my particular case, I got a 103/110. The grading system is different as well. Students are forced to spend hours sitting in front of traditional tools, such as pencils, pens and notebooks, that no longer belong to their daily life outside of school. Classes are not exactly the same and we cant choose subjects. It varies from Humanities and Social Sciences to Environmental or Applied Sciences, and even Linguistics. I like how all of the students stay together, they become really close friends with each other. As the last families return to their homes at the tail-end of the so-called grande rientro, Italian pupils are preparing to file back into the classroom for the start of the 2022/2023 school year.. For those who arent too familiar with the Italian education system, all public schools are managed by regional authorities, meaning return dates She noticed that Italian school has a different schedule than American school. Change). Enjoy! In comparison to neighbouring countries like France, Germany or Portugal, Italian reading performance is of a lower level. The study plan of the secondary school in scientific studies the so-called Liceo scientifico and in classical studies the so-called Liceo classico which are notoriously the most challenging types of high school in Italy, display compulsory subjects such as ancient Greek and Latin. Reggio Emilia, Florence, Pisa, and CinqueTerra! WebIn Italy a state school system or Education System has existed since 1859, when the Legge Casati (Casati Act) mandated educational responsibilities for the forthcoming What did it sound like when you played the cassette tape with programs on it? In the US, the teachers arent just their to teach, they are there to help the students understand what they are learning. However, after the age of sixteen, the young student has to continue their educational path up until they are at least eighteen. To be most accurate, you'd need to convert grades at the course level, weighting by credit hours, where, e.g., a strong grade in a longer course is worth more than it is in a shorter course. In USA and IT you pass with 60%. I have experience in both the portuguese and British system and I can tell you that a 70 on the UK scale is not your typical 70%. If your Personal Information is transferred outside the European Economic Area to third party service providers, we will take steps to ensure that your Personal Information receives the same level of protection as if it remained within the European Economic Area, including by entering into data transfer agreements using the European Commission approved Standard Contractual Clauses, or by relying on certification schemes such as the EUUS Privacy Shield. The obvious division is between college-track Licei and work-track Istituti. All Rights Reserved. A-, A, A+ (Excellent): 27-30/30 and 30/30 plus honors. Maturita, which means maturity [in Italian], is conceived as the greatest evidence of our educational journey, said a student at Banfi. If you check requirements to enroll to an university, for example Manchester, you are required a score of 100/110 (link below). Practice with native Italian teachers in individual classes online! The studies in these schools focus on jobs like: At the end of high school student must take another exam, the feared esame di maturit (graduation exam) which is composed by 3 written tests and 1 oral examination, and if you pass it, youll receive a degree of maturity, that will allow you to have access to University. Nowadays, gaining some rudimentary knowledge of economics and law is fundamental to manage ones finances and properties, especially in a period of constant economic recession. This transition will help students to better comprehend the economic, historical and sociological context they live in. In addition, professors will have enough time to deepen the quality of their lessons and students will not be required to change school two times in three years, reducing the related stress. The Italian schooling system is therefore in urgent need of professors capable of introducing students to a proper use of the Internet. This discrepancy contributes to establishing a schooling environment that does not reflect teenagers reality anymore. oral which consists in the presentation of a work on a specific topic including all the studied subjects. We may do so when: Information provided under one of the four preceding bullet points will not be used by those receiving it for marketing purposes, unless specifically authorized by the user. There are certain high schools that are supposed to [lead up to a] university and [there are] others that prepare you [right away] for a practical profession. In the United States (U.S.), high school lasts four years, while you decide what you want to have a career in before or even during university years. These cookies secure our forms, support login sessions and remember user dialogue. Since I am writing my resume/CV in English, I would like to convert my Italian final grade to the American (GPA?) Pingback: Meet Italian exchange student: Matteo Sarais Ruff Draft, I would hate to have school on the weekend, Everything you said is correct but one. As I said before, final score is made from the conversion in 110th PLUS a variable score. Obviously, history taught at primary school is a simplified version for children, which gets articulated in more detail as students enter higher courses of studies. However, there are some courses (Faculty of law, Faculty of Pharmacy, Construction Engineering, Architecture etc) that last 5 years (6 years as regards Med School) and take the name of Corsi di Laurea a ciclo unico (Single Cycle Degree Course). Teachers gotta teach, and students gotta take notes and study. But in Italy, its really easy for students to break the rules because each desk has a little shelf underneath them where you can store books and phones and food, and the teachers are not very good at paying attention to what the students do in class so..its pretty easy. Required fields are marked *. We do not control, endorse or review the privacy notices of other websites, which may be different than this privacy notice. A question that is often asked on our pages is about how the school system is organized in Italy! In primary school, the study plan for History usually begins with prehistory and ends with the Second World War. Then, Italian school has more tests per week than US. Students are tested in any of the 10 subjects that theyve taken, and the questions cover all the material theyve studied during the 5 years of high school. Examples include: Greenheart International collects other information that relates to you but does not identify you. Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties but that aggregate information does not identify individual website users. My teaching experience so far has been good. Then I eat lunch at home with my family. Theres a wide and diverse selection of Italian universities like: scientific departments(Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics, Chemistry), humanities faculty(Literatures, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Cultural Heritage). This comparison is indeed very effective: as a parking lot, which is a guarded place where citizens can safely leave their vehicles, the Italian schooling system constitutes a public institution where tenured teachers hold safe jobs, and do not have to account for their behaviour and performance. By mail: 742 N LaSalle Dr. Chicago, IL 60654 Suite 300, USA. Implementing this will increase the chance of nurturing students passion and enthusiasm at school. You can obtain details of the mechanism under which your personal data is transferred outside the EU by contacting us. The tests for language classes are pretty much the same translating sentences and fill in the black. I never knew that my ability to speak English would ever be helpful to someone, but I am glad it is! You might be able to get Saturdays off, but theres no guarantee. Although the [school] lunch can be questionable [at times], because of the pandemic lunch is free for all students, disclosed Siddarth Singh, a senior at Key West High School (KWHS). Learn how to survive in any situation in Italy withItaliano in Contesto, the course entirely based on the Contextual Method. Education policy making is shared between the national government which has responsibility for funding, school (Name will only be used to verify billing.). WebJenny is a Ph.D. student in the Philosophy program at The Graduate Center, CUNY. UK universities don't value students with a foreign bachelor's degree as much as those that obtained one at another UK university. This is why our country continues to rank last in terms of numbers of Neet, young people who do not study and are not employed: in 2017 they were up to 25.7%, compared to a European average of 14.3%. First of all, Italian school has a different schedule than American school. WebA Brief Overview Of The Italian School System. Teachers would establish a comforting and safe place for students to exchange ideas, providing feedbacks on their practices (7). Mr. and Miss Smock See those cute, happy faces smiling at you up there? However, reaching the high school stage gets a little These cookies are necessary for our sites to function properly. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Is there any way to get Saturdays to be days of relaxation in the classroom? Ive been living in Italy for a year and a half now and Ive been teaching English online. On a side note, cheerleaders are perhaps the central manifestation of American school spirit. Our programs are really extensive, so theres little to no time for fun projects. You just have to remember that this is your experience and no one expects you to pass. Just because your friends did doesnt mean you have to. In the US, you get letter grades: A, B, C, D, or F. Here, its number grades from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. The Italian court system is often seen as less fair and less efficient than the U.S. court system. A 10 is nearly impossible to get, a 6 is the borderline between passing and failing a class, and a 2 is pretty much the lowest grade you can get. For these reasons, the very first years of school should be merely dedicated to emotionally engage children with words and numbers. Lets take History as an example. My French teacher is very serious about teaching and she gets super upset with us if we talk during class or dont listen to her. WebThe Italian educational system provides nursery school for 3- to 5-year-olds; elementary school for 6- to 11-year-olds; lower secondary or middle school for 11- to 14-year-olds; upper secondary school or vocational training for 15- to 18- or 19-year-olds; and university, university institutes, or Fine Arts academies for those 19 and older. There are a lot of points of difference between the two systems, but I found these ten to be the most interesting/important: - Unfortunately, Saturday is a part of the school week, but the days are much shorter (from 8-1 most days), - At the beginning of high school, students choose a track to follow for all. From thisverysubstantial difference, I can state that the Italian, like European, high school system is more rigorous, academically speaking. Your email address will not be published. The point about school spirit depends on the student, Ive heard of people that wanted to throw potatoes at guys from another liceo, because they are both licei scientifici and the compete angainst each other constantly, while I honestly couldnt care less. Also, you shouldnt have been so specific about the schedules since it could change a lot between schools, especially between an Istituto and a Liceo. They just want someone to have a conversation with and I am happy to help. Ciao :)), If you get a 4 or 5 you dont pass the class. A primary (or elementary) school, between age 6 and 11 (five years); A middle (or junior high) school, between age 11 and 14 (three years); A secondary (or high) school, between age 15 and 19, or, alternatively, a professional school at least until age 18. Lee, De-Chin et al., Does Teachers Charisma Can Really Induce Students Learning Interest?, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013. It is usually laid In the US, the students move classrooms every hour and get 5 minute breaks between each class. Its almost impossible to get a 10 unless youre really bright and all you do is study and you have no social life whatsoeveryou might get a 9 1/2. November 7 2022. italian school system compared to americannormalized mean square error definition. These cookies are used to enhance the relevance of our advertising on social media and to tailor messages relevant to your interests. So if you did not study, and you are not prepared for the test, thats too bad and youre going to embarrass yourself in front of everyone. This phenomenon has led to a situation in which adults are losing authority over youngsters and are eventually forced to ask for their help to make sense of digital platforms that are permeating our society. I totally agree with you.Thinking about it I have nothing to lose.I have already started preparing.I am less scared when I think of all the fun time I am going to have. A long-term unique study program, ideally from six years old until fourteen years old, would give teachers enough time to dedicate to their subjects, avoiding useless repetition of content, and limiting the stress caused by school relocation. Also, Italian schools have school on Saturdays (at least mine does, but there are some that dont).n Italy, the teachers are NOT your friends. Greenheart collects Personal Information, which is information that on its own or in combination with other information may be used to identify, contact, or locate an individual. This is not true, you need a 6 in every class to go to next grade. For example, I majored in human sciences, but my classes where: Human Sciences (psychology, pedagogy, anthropology, sociology), Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Philosophy, Italian Literature, English (literature from the third year), History, Art History, Latin, P.E. Asilo (Kindergarten). The results of these tests are what determine where a student can attend college. Attending the Asilo is not compulsory for children in Italy although the vast majority do attend. Thus, given that young Italian people ignore the historical roots that gave birth to the society they live in, they are left with no tools to comprehend the political forces that guide their nation and to make informed decisions and choices on the future of their country. Before their first sighting, theyll have only seen cheerleaders on TV. Only around 5% of Italian students achieved top performances, compared to an OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) average of 9%. Not only has this job been something new for me, but the entire Italian school system has taken some getting used to. You should review the privacy notice of other websites before choosing to disclose Personal Information. Wikipedia shows this conversion table for percentage to letter grade and grade point: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_grading_in_the_United_States. As an Italian exchange student I have noticed lots of different aspects. Instead of having many different students in many different classroom settings, the students just get to relax in their seats while the teachers need to move. I think you fail to contextualize things and therefore your suggestion is mislead. Nowadays, using the Internet is the easiest and fastest way to access experimentally corroborated scientific knowledge, which is, to date, the most reliable source of information we have. Then, I will illustrate point-by-point the main pitfalls and disadvantages of this system, trying to suggest new conceptual strategies to overcome them. A brilliant example is represented by Quillette, which publishes informative articles written by young researchers, scholars and well-educated citizens in general. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Children would learn how to play an instrument, how to paint and sculpt and how to make sense of computers and other technologies. And I actually find very few similarities between my high school experience and what my students lives are like. +1 @FedericoGentile: Do not try explain grading systems in a CV; it is not the place. While only saying, -1. For my university, the points added were between 1 and 3, but other universities gives more or less points. If youve got to work, youve got to work. I made so many mistakes in Italy I wouldnt be able to count. The Italian compulsory education is based on an antiquated system, which is in urgent need of restructuring and modernization. Thanks for the info. This step lasts 3 years and involves students from 11 to 13 years of age. I feel like everything is tinier here, its really cute! In the US, the teachers are your friends, not only your teachers. Im still studying Italian (currently A2) so I have a lot of practice and studying ahead of me but Ive been wondering about what itd be like to teach here. The school system is different and also the years to study. How to convert Italian grades to American and U.K system? How to interpret Italian grades for a grad school application, generally awarded to those who achieve over 70% of the maximum mark, http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/country-specific-information/italy.htm, http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/country-specific-information/usa.htm?page=2, http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/english-education-system/. For certain aspects, comparisons will be made with school systems of other countries. and U.K system. We collect Personal Information from you in the following ways: We may share information gathered by us from Greenheart International websites with governmental agencies or other companies assisting us in providing services to you. This is probablywhat characterizesmostItalian schools than American ones. WebDetails on the School System This is a list of the traditional American School System that you can find in the majority of the US: 1. Your thoughts about the Italian school are very interesting. 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