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The units were losing men faster than they could be replaced, but orders remained unchanged: the 88th Division was to keep going. var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; On October 24, 1918, the Division took over the Fulleren Fifth Army Headquarters had originally planned to break up the 88th Division and deploy them as needed, but MG Sloan did not want to see his division broken up. Although overshadowed by the Normandy invasion two days later, the capture of Rome was a significant victory for the Allies and a welcome event for the Romans. This site was designed using Microsoft FrontPage '98. were 1,370 cases in one regiment alone. advanced elements, totaling eight officers and four hundred men, were augmented until on The 88th Infantry Division arrived at Casablanca, French Morocco during November and December 1943. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Soon after they won Mount Ceracoli, and soon after that they captured Mount Rotondo. Ranks were quickly filled by draftees from across the country in preparation for WW1. HOME About Junior Mestas The drive to the Po Valley began on 15 April. For seven bloody days, the Blue Devils threw back every assault and held the critical position. Gen. Robert N. Getty (15 March 1918), Inactivated: 10 June 1919, Camp Dodge, Iowa, 313th Train Headquarters and Military Police, 349th, 350th, 351st, and 352nd Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals. and later when the 88th American Division alone occupied the sector, kept the enemy After 100 straight days at the front, the Blue Devils were finally granted some much needed rest and relaxation. This site THIS IS SOFTBACK AND 60 PAGES IT LIST ALL OF THE MEN WAT THEY DID AND W THEY WERE FROM NEAT PIECE I WOULD SAY THIS WAS 1ST AND ONLY PRINTING PROBABLY AROUND 1919 OR SO. September 20. Machine guns, mortars, and artillery were well hidden and placed everywhere. roving, from one sector to another between the Voges and the Swiss Border, also made The Blue Devils saw to it that MG Sloan was good on his word: the 88th Infantry Division had well finished the job it had started long before in World War I. Come On September 23, 1918, advanced elements of the if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav10n=MSFPpreload("_derived/guestboo.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav10h=MSFPpreload("_derived/guestboo.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn_a.gif"); } He served in the Alsace Sector, France. 19 million men, women, and children from all the nations were wounded, and some countries camp kettles and watercans. November 2, 1918, This time they went through special training to prepare for the impending spring offensive. First Entered combat: Advance party on night of 34 January 1944 in support of, First Organization Committed to Line: 2nd Battalion, 351st Infantry Regiment plus attachments, Began post war POW Command: 7 June 1945. The Division went into defensive positions near Pomerance, 5 July, and launched an attack toward Volterra on the 8th, taking the town the next day. It is not my intention to even try to tell the entire story of World War 1, These The 339th Infantry Regimental Combat Team was the first division element to depart Port-Aux-Poules for movement to the Italian Campaign. By the end of August, the 88th could sense it was once again to go into combat. Training largely took place at Camp Dodge, Iowa. An 88th Infantry Division Blue Devils World War II Research Website By November, there was nothing more they could do in the drive through the Apennines. Hertzman, Stanley A. MSG Band Thanksgiving Menu and Company D roster, 29 November 1917; 1918 Thanksgiving Greetings, Headquarters Company; 1918 Christmas Greetings, Headquarters Stopped at Tours on April 4. History Of The 303 WWI Book . Army Engineers in WW1. Still in a rear assembly area, the waiting was almost worse than the actual fighting. It is known today as the 28th Infantry Division (Mechanized) - part of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. $26.00 + $4.00 shipping . to be kept up-to-date. WWI Gas Mask, British WWI Bayonet, Combat Infantry Badge, Book of Shadows, Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia, Vintage Comic Book, finally found software to begin digitizing the complete roster of the 88th. The men in the 88th did not celebrate wildly, but instead reflected a quiet joy. I SEND FINAL INVOICE WITH INSURANCE OPTION IF NONE IS TAKEN I CANNOT TRACK OR REPLACE ITEM. 88th Infantry Division Blue Devils Archive Files are in Alphabetical, Numerical and Date order. 154th French Division; 88th Division headquarters being established temporarily on the At 1600 on 2 May, German forces surrendered. 9th Infantry Brigade 60th Infantry 61st Infantry The only people who were not originally confident in the 88th were the soldiers themselves. on the Internet. The 88th Infantry Division was a unit of the United States Army in World War I and World War II. Many thought it was too good to be true. History of the 350th Regiment of U.S. Infantry, Eighty-Eighth Division, American Expeditionary Forces. He met with LTG Mark Clark, commander of the Fifth Army, and Clark agreed to keep the 88th intact. There are also a number of fold out maps. In the first few weeks, the draftees had to learn how to make a bed, sweep and mop a floor, police an area, what the letters K.P. meant, how to stand at attention, how to march, field sanitation, basic first aid, military organization, close-order drill, courtesy, discipline and the difference between stripes and bars. Not one man was lost during any of the crossings. Most importantly, they learned it was best never to volunteer for anything. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav3n=MSFPpreload("_derived/troopshi.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav3h=MSFPpreload("_derived/troopshi.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn_a.gif"); } if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav1n=MSFPpreload("_derived/camp.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("_derived/camp.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn_a.gif"); } The 350th Infantry Regiment and the 349th Infantry Regiment soon followed, and the entire 88th was assembled in North Africa by 27 December 1943. The ruse worked, and the relief went smoothly. The Division was officered largely by Soldiers on both sides had to trudge around the mountains in deep mud and water. $12.00 + $6.10 shipping . New York, New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford, 1919. Organiazation and training at Camp Dodge, Iowa, and the trip to France, Arrival in France, training, and life in the trenches, The period after the Armistice, which includes training, athletics, entertainment, the trip home and demobilization, Complete roster of all officers and men who served with the Division in France, Large photographs of the higher ranking officers, Biography of Major-General William Weigel, U.S. Army, Arrival in France - Training and Life in the Trenches, Two Years of American Accomplishment Since War Was Declared, Rosters of All Companies within the 88th Division, Large number of photographs of Camp Dodge and various towns and cities within France, Biography of Major-General William Weigel, U S A, Two Years of American Accomplishment since War Was Declared. On arrival in France, the Division had Yet they still trudged on, determined to make it to Rome. This site will contain the entire roster of every officer and man who served with the 88th Division in the A.E.F. 301st Infantry Regiment . Cappello, 27 Sept 1 Oct 1944). 34th Infantry Division's 100 Years of Service From Sandstorm to Red Bull When the division was formed at Camp Cody, New Mexico in 1917 it was composed of soldiers primarily from the mid-western states of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. In forty-four days of fighting, the 88th had lost more than 6,000 men killed, wounded, or missing. // --> . Sports The Germans were not fooled and built their strongest defensive position south of Bologna and right in front of the Blue Devils. From 24 January to 2 March 1945, the division defended the Loiano-Livergnano area and after a brief rest returned to the front. // -->